Page 43 of Mafioso's Muse
Harrison cleared his throat. ‘All right. Thanks.’ He glared at the bouncer as he stepped out of the line.
It was busy inside Titian but deliciously air-conditioned. Conversation blended with jazz. Vaughn led them to a large table at the back marked Reserved and plucked the sign off it.
‘I’ll send someone over.’ He left without so much as a glance in Willow’s direction.
That was a good thing. At least that was what she told herself.
A waitress came over, and Harrison enquired about mocktails. The woman told him to leave it with her, then went to liaise with the bartender. She returned twenty minutes later with a tray ofSleeping Beautymocktails in martini glasses, layers of pink liquids with edible glitter and fairy floss around the rim. It looked like something straight out of the story. Everyone loved them, except for Harrison, who complained about the sugar content. The group toasted to a successful opening night, then settled into conversation.
‘That bartender really knows what he’s doing,’ Willow said.
‘And here’s to us,’ Lili said quietly, touching her glass to Willow’s. ‘May this be the first of many star moments.’
A smile spread across Willow’s face. ‘To us.’
She tried to relax into the evening, to be present and enjoy the time with everyone, but she found herself constantly looking at the door behind the bar—the one Vaughn had disappeared through.
‘How are you feeling about tomorrow?’ Harrison asked, coming up next to Willow and slinging an arm around her. ‘Nervous?’
She looked up at him, then down at the hand on her shoulder. ‘I wasn’t until you mentioned it.’
He chuckled. ‘Sorry.’
‘She has nothing to be nervous about,’ Lili said before turning away to speak with one of the male dancers.
‘Only two more performances and Matilda will be back,’ Harrison said. ‘Then you can get back to doing what you love.’
Willow’s brow creased. ‘I loved tonight.’
‘Oh, I know.’ He took a sip of his drink. ‘But you’ve always enjoyed the team environment of the ensemble.’
While that was true, her moment in the spotlight had opened her mind and heart to other possibilities.
‘I fought hard to get you that solo,’ Harrison said quietly, ‘so I’m obviously relieved it all worked out so well.’
‘Fought with whom? Nigel?’
He squeezed her shoulder in a way that was probably meant to be reassuring. ‘I’m not going to name names, but you can’t honestly be surprised. You’ve barely been with the company a year. There are far more experienced dancers who probablyshouldhave gotten the role.’ He squeezed her shoulder. ‘But you didn’t let me down.’
Embarrassment settled in her chest like stone. Why was he so determined to remind her of her place within the company? She hoped it was to protect her from future disappointment.
Vaughn stepped up to the table, and Harrison responded by drawing Willow closer. The arm suddenly felt impossibly heavy.
‘How were the drinks?’ Vaughn asked, sounding as if he didn’t care either way.
A weak smile came and went on Willow’s face. ‘Magical.’
‘We won’t be needing any more,’ Harrison said. ‘We’ll all be leaving soon.’
Willow looked up at him. ‘We’ve barely been here half an hour.’
‘And you’re all performing tomorrow’ was Harrison’s reply. Then, looking at Vaughn, he asked, ‘Can you bring the bill?’
Vaughn regarded him for a long moment. ‘You can go ahead and pay at the bar.’
Looking taken aback, Harrison withdrew his arm and traipsed unhappily off to the bar.
Vaughn remained where he was, eyes on Willow. ‘How did the solo go tonight?’