Page 84 of Mafioso's Muse
The driver glanced in the rear-view mirror as he messaged someone to get it. A minute later, the number came through via text. Vaughn dialled it as they pulled away from the house and headed down the drive.
Lili answered with a cautious ‘Hello?’
‘Miss Chén.’
She exhaled noisily, almost painfully, into the phone. ‘Vaughn Gallo.’
‘Bad time?
‘It will always be a bad time when it’s you on the other end of the line. What do you want?’
His lips twitched. ‘I wanted to know how Willow’s doing. Figured you’re the best person to ask.’
Lili was quiet for an uncomfortable amount of time. ‘I suppose I should be thankful you called me instead of her. She’sfinallydoing much better.’
That was good news. Wasn’t it? ‘Good. I’m pleased to hear that.’ And he was—even in his current state of misery.
‘She was struggling to eat,’ she said.
Guilt smashed him.
‘I was worried for a minute there,’ she continued. ‘Thankfully, they build them tough in the western suburbs of Sydney. She’s not going to let a little thing like heartbreak keep her down for long.’
He looked out the window, adjusting the collar of his shirt. ‘So, she’s eating now? Sleeping?’ His eyes closed. ‘Dancing?’
‘Yes, she’s fine. I’ve got her.’ There was a pause. ‘You don’t need to call again.’
He really liked Liliana Chén. ‘Sounds like you have everything under control. I’ll spare you a follow-up call.’
‘I appreciate that.’
He felt the beginnings of a smile. ‘I’ll see you around, Miss Chén.’
‘Let’s hope not, Mr Gallo.’
The line went dead.
‘Everything all right?’ Finn asked from the driver’s seat.
Vaughn raked a hand through his hair and leaned his head back on the headrest. ‘Yes. Everything’s just as it should be.’
July 2024
Asmile split Willow’s face as the curtain fell. She glanced sideways at Lili, who beamed back at her. It was one of their best performances yet. The audience were up on their feet, the applause still sounding. Even Cassie looked happy.
‘Well done, everyone,’ Cassie said. ‘That was…’ She shook her head, lost for words for once.
‘It was living art is what it was,’ Harrison said as he joined them onstage. He put his arms around Cassie and Ethan, the two leads. ‘I’m immensely proud of you two.’ He looked around at the rest of the dancers. ‘All of you. Closing weekend will likely be sold out after tonight, and I have a feelingGiselleis going to be even better.’
They had really turned things around.
As Willow was exiting the stage, Harrison found her and pulled her into a hug. ‘You were fabulous today.’
She looked up at him, her face flushed with pride.
‘You just need to remember to keep all five toes on the ground to centre your weight,’ he added, giving her a playful shake.