Page 86 of Mafioso's Muse
Willow was surprised when he sat beside her instead of opposite her. It was most likely because he hated having his back to the room.
‘I’m happy to sit on the other side,’ she offered.
He waved the suggestion away. ‘This way we can both people watch.’
Willow slid further down to give him more space, but somehow the lightly built man still managed to fill the bench. The manspreading meant her legs were pressed against the wall.
As they read the menus, Harrison draped an arm along the top of the backrest, his fingers brushing her shoulder as they discussed what to order. She couldn’t ignore her increasing discomfort. A passerby might have assumed they were on a date. Willow reminded herself that he was being overfamiliar because theywereoverfamiliar. That protective arm had been there since she could remember.
So why did it suddenly feel like he was crossing a line?
A middle-aged waitress with a kind smile appeared holding an iPad. ‘You guys ready to order?’
Willow used the opportunity to slide forwards—out of reach. ‘Can I please get the adana kebap?’
Harrison frowned down at the menu. ‘That comes with lavash bread.’
‘I know.’
‘Minus the bread for that one, please,’ he told the waitress, then looked at Willow. ‘That can be something for you to look forward topostseason.’
Colour filled her cheeks as embarrassment washed over her.
‘I’ll have the hünkârbegendi,’ Harrison said, gathering up the two menus and handing them to the waitress. ‘We’ll both stick with water.’
So much for it being a celebration.
The waitress left, and Harrison turned back to Willow, somehow managing to fill the space she’d created.
‘Did I ever tell you about the time the Bolshoi Ballet reached out to me?’
‘I remember you mentioning it, yeah.’ She braced for the inevitable details.
‘They were hoping I’d return overseas, but I had just started as a choreographer for Vic Ballet. Nigel was already dropping hints about the director role.’
There were very few stories Willow hadn’t heard multiple times.
‘Those Russian dancers are something else,’ he continued.
As he spoke, Willow imagined Vaughn listening in on the conversation. He would be watching on in silence, his expression saying it all.
‘What’s so funny?’ Harrison asked suddenly, a perplexed look on his face.
Her mind was dragged, kicking and screaming, back to the conversation. ‘Nothing.’
‘You were grinning. Did I say something funny?’
She swallowed. ‘Oh, I just remembered something Lili said earlier.’
Harrison leaned back, his finger tapping the backrest behind her. ‘Do share.’
‘It was a private joke.’ She cleared her throat and moved the conversation along. ‘I can’t believe we’re just a few weeks from starting work onGiselle. Bet you’re looking forward to working on something new.’
‘I am.’ He poured her some water, leaning closer to her in the process. ‘I suppose there’s been plenty of chatter among everyone around casting.’
‘Of course.’
He ran the backs of his fingers down her arm, and her skin prickled in a bad way.