Page 9 of Mafioso's Muse
‘He spoke of his family?’ Lili asked, sounding shocked. ‘Is that even allowed?’
Nigel suppressed a smile. ‘Mr Gallo is a family man at his core and a generous supporter of the arts.’
‘Exceptourart, apparently,’ Harrison said, taking a sip of champagne. ‘Nigel invited him to the preview and never heard back.’
Lili leaned towards Willow and whispered, ‘He probably had torture plans.’
‘He’s a busy man,’ Nigel said, making excuses on his behalf. ‘And we are one of the smaller dance companies in the city.’ He looked around the lounge and rocked on his heels. ‘I think I’ll try again. I could invite him to the dress rehearsal on Monday.’ His gaze returned to Willow. ‘Perhaps I’ll mention that you really enjoyed meeting him.’
A look of suspicion settled on Lili’s face. ‘Use her as bait?’
Nigel immediately shook his head. ‘Nothing untoward, I assure you. The point of this evening is networking, and I was deliberate in choosing this venue.’
‘If he does come, I’ll be there the whole time,’ Harrison said, no doubt meaning to reassure her but coming across like an overprotective older brother instead.
Willow wasn’t sure how she felt about the prospect of a second meeting after Lili had painted him as a dangerous monster, but the possibility of the company getting much-needed funds filled her with hope. ‘Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.’
‘I think you’ve already done enough,’ Harrison said.
She could have sworn that was accusation in his tone instead of gratitude.
A gentleman approached Nigel and Harrison, and they were pulled away from the conversation for more introductions, leaving Willow and Lili alone again.
‘I’m actually surprised that Nigel isinvitingthis sort of potential trouble into the company,’ Lili said. ‘Our financial situation must be worse than we thought.’
Nigel had been the executive director of Victoria Ballet for more than twenty years—and had the grey hair to prove it. Willow watched him in conversation for a moment. It was clear how much the company meant to him. ‘Nigel’s a good man. He’s not going to do anything illegal.’
A sigh slipped from Lili as she lifted her empty glass. ‘Now I kind of feel bad for drinking the expensive stuff.’
‘Don’t.’ Willow stood up and pulled Lili to her feet. ‘It’s fuel for the job at hand. Let’s go charm some people—and see if we can find you a rich husband in the process.’
‘I do love a sensible plan.’
As they stepped away from the lounge, Willow’s gaze drifted to the mural on the other side of the bar, where people stood laughing and drinking and entirely ignoring the beauty of Mary rising towards a group of angels above them.
Her mind drifted also—to the man with the tattoos and superb taste in art. The mafioso with the dangerous life and contrasting honest gaze.
Vaughn Gallo.
January 2024
There was only one reason Vaughn agreed to watch a dress rehearsal ofSleeping Beautyat a theatre that smelled a lot like a nursing home—and that reason was Willow Hayes.
His car pulled up out front of Star Theatre at exactly 3:00 p.m. Finn walked around to get the door, and Vaughn climbed out, buttoning his jacket as he took in the tired facade in front of him. He really did not have time for this, but his curiosity had won in this rare instance. A part of him hoped for mediocrity so he could be out of here before intermission.
Nigel Thompson was waiting for him in the foyer. The poor lighting above made the grey in his hair and beard look tenfold. He was fiddling with the collar of his shirt, looking slightly on edge. His hands fell to his sides when he spotted Vaughn.
‘Mr Gallo,’ he said, walking forwards with an arm extended towards him. ‘Glad you could make it.’
Vaughn glanced in the direction of the bar as he took the hand, noting the rows of boxed snacks, tacky décor, and cheap wine on display that had his taste buds retreating.
‘This way,’ Nigel said, gesturing towards the theatre. ‘I have a private box upstairs for you.’
Vaughn looked up at the downlights, which were no doubt highly energy efficient, then followed him. As he walked up the stairs, he made mental notes of all the things he would fix if it were up to him. Yellowing wallpaper and fraying carpet to name a few.
They arrived at a curtain, and Nigel pulled it back for him. Vaughn stepped inside the box and took a seat, looking out at the stalls below. There were a dozen other people scattered about the place, likely employees.