Page 98 of Mafioso's Muse
A truck passed by, making it impossible to talk for a few seconds.
‘Block everything and everyone out this weekend,’ Vaughn told her. ‘All the critical voices, every opinion, every correction. Justdance, and you’ll be perfect.’
She cradled the phone in both hands, his words running through her like an electric current. ‘Okay. And you’ll tell your friend to stop following me?’
‘I already told him.’
She stopped and turned, searching for the man, but he was nowhere to be seen.
‘I’ll see you Sunday,’ Vaughn said.
Willow looked up at the changing sky and resumed walking. ‘See you Sunday.’
July 2024
Vaughn had agreed to go see Willow dance on Sunday, but what she didn’t know was that he attended on Friday too. He didn’t announce it to anyone. Though, unfortunately, he did run into Harrison on the way to his box. The performance had already begun, and the creative director was pacing at the top of the staircase, on his phone, looking stressed out of his mind. Not unusual for someone in his position, closing weekend.
Harrison ended the call the moment he spotted Vaughn. ‘What are you doing here?’ He asked the question as though the mafioso were crashing a private event.
‘Evening, Harry.’ It was the first time they’d seen each other since Vaughn had paid him a visit at his home.
‘I prefer it if people use my proper name.’
One corner of Vaughn’s mouth lifted. ‘I know.’
Scowling, Harrison asked, ‘Does Willow know you’re here?’
Instead of answering the question, he gestured towards Harrison’s hand. ‘How’s the thumb?’
Harrison placed it behind his back. ‘You’re very lucky I didn’t say anything.’
‘Actually,you’revery lucky you didn’t say anything. That’s why you didn’t.’
Averting his gaze, Harrison muttered something along the lines of ‘Enjoy the performance, Mr Gallo’ before fleeing the scene.
Vaughn continued to his box.
He returned again on Saturday, like a drug addict who’d started using again. He got through that evening undetected.
Then it was closing night. Vaughn arrived early and went to say hello to Nigel, who was still working in his office.
‘Mr Gallo,’ Nigel said, rising and walking around his desk to shake Vaughn’s hand. ‘It’s good to see you. Nothing quite like closing night, is there?’
‘Except opening night, perhaps.’
Nigel chuckled. ‘True, true.’ He put his hands in his pockets and rocked on his heels. ‘Have you had a chance to see the new stage?’
‘Not yet, no.’
Nigel glanced at his watch. ‘There’s still time before curtain if you want me to take you down there for a look.’
He seemed so excited that Vaughn didn’t have the heart to tell him no. ‘Sure.’
The backstage area was chaotic preshow. Stagehands ran back and forth, ensuring everything was perfect for the highly anticipated final performance. Nigel took him out onto the stage area behind the curtain, turning in a circle. ‘What do you think?’
Vaughn looked around at the sleek timber. ‘It looks great.’