Page 1 of Sawyer
Chapter 1
Istepped out of my truck, nerves buzzing in my veins.
The alphas Cooper had handpicked for his new council were already gathered on the porch of the pack house.
I took a few deep breaths, trying to dispel my anxiety, and walked towards them, attempting to mask the limp in my left leg.
Most didn’t notice, but Garth did. His smirk grew as I slowed down climbing the stairs.
Cooper, my best friend and the new lead alpha of the Pecan Pines pack, smiled warmly.
"Sawyer, glad you could join us. I'm assigning everyone in pairs for patrolling," he announced.
I was relieved Cooper was the one giving orders instead of Ryder.
Our old lead alpha had ruled through fear, leaving scars both visible and invisible.
"...and Sawyer, you're with Garth," Cooper said.
A growl of protest slipped out before I could stop it. Garth was the last alpha I wanted to be paired with.
I had hoped to be teamed up with Griffin, a good pal.
"Coop, can I have a private word with you?" I asked through gritted teeth once the assignments were given out.
"Sure, I'll be with you in a sec," Cooper replied.
After finishing his conversation with Griffin, Cooper walked over to me.
"How's your leg today?" he asked first.
I grimaced, wishing he didn’t always feel the need to ask that.
"Fine, I'm ready to fulfill my duties as your second," I said with as much confidence as I could muster.
I knew some wolves, like Garth, didn’t believe I deserved my spot. Then again, I didn’t think much of Garth either.
"Coop, why did you pick Garth as one of your enforcers?" I had to ask.
Last I remembered, Garth was still on a trial basis.
"He did the work, Sawyer—proved to me he was willing to turn away from his old ways and accept the new leadership," Cooper said.
He dropped his voice. "Besides, with the pack rebuilding, I need all the strong members by my side, doing their part. Can you work with Garth, or should I assign him to someone else?"
I realized in that moment I wasn’t just talking to Cooper, my best friend, but Cooper, the lead alpha.
I swallowed my pride and nodded.
"I'll work with Garth," I said.
"Good." Cooper slapped my shoulder. "Hey, don't be late for the party Miles and I are throwing you later, okay?"
"Right," I muttered. I’d almost forgotten it was my birthday.
Cooper and Miles had been hinting they’d get me a dog. Admittedly, it had been lonely at home since they found their own place.