Page 48 of Sawyer
“Are you a part of this meeting too, Casey?” Garth asked with a snarl.
I whipped my head around to see Casey freeze like a deer caught in the headlights.
He started trembling, and I didn’t like that one bit. Garth was like a shark that smelled blood in the water—or in this case, Casey’s fear—and he edged closer toward him.
Pissed, I got between them and growled in warning.
“That’s close enough,” I warned, my voice low and dangerous.
Griffin stepped closer to me, and that gave Garth pause.
I knew the coward would think twice about his odds now that he was outnumbered.
Casey cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention.
“Yes, I’m going to the meeting. Aaron invited me, and it’s not what you think, Garth. We’re not looking to start anything with the pack,” Casey said, his voice steady despite the fear I knew he was feeling.
I was proud of Casey in that moment for standing up to Garth, especially given the incident with his shifter ex.
“This town went to shit ever since Cooper took over the pack,” Garth said, his glare fixed on me. “Things were better before.”
“Better for who?” I snapped, my temper flaring. “You? Ryder? The pack was falling apart, and you know it. The humans were right to be afraid because Ryder and his lackeys were out of control. But that’s not the way things are anymore.”
Garth scoffed. “You think you’re better than Ryder? You think Cooper’s better? You’re all weak, bending over backward to please the humans. We should be ruling over them, not playing nice,” Garth pointed out.
I clenched my fists, fighting the urge to punch him.
“We’re not tyrants, Garth. We’re supposed to protect our pack and work together with the humans, not terrorize them,” I reminded him.
“Maybe you’re just too soft,” Garth sneered, taking a step closer to me.
My wolf bristled at the challenge, and I felt a low growl rumble in my chest.
“Try me,” I warned, letting Garth see the full force of my anger.
For a moment, it seemed like he might take the bait. His eyes flicked between mine and Griffin’s, calculating his chances.
But then he glanced over at Casey and Benny, and a twisted smile spread across his face.
“Fine,” Garth said, his tone mocking. “You want to play the good little wolf, go ahead. But don’t come crying to me when the humans turn on you.”
I didn’t respond, knowing anything I said would only provoke him further.
Instead, I watched as he turned and stalked away, his shoulders tense with barely restrained anger.
Griffin let out a low sigh of relief once Garth was out of earshot.
“Thanks for stepping in,” he said, his tone genuine. “I was worried I’d have to take him down right here.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” I said, though I wasn’t sure I believed my own words.
Garth was becoming a bigger problem by the day, and I knew it was only a matter of time before things came to a head.
Casey approached cautiously, Benny at his side, and I could see the worry etched on his face.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice soft.
“Yeah,” I said, forcing a smile.