Page 21 of Draven
Tom narrowed his eyes. "He'd what?" Tom demanded.
"Nothing," I said quickly.
"Tobias, this alpha... Is he pressuring you or—“ Tom began.
"It's not like that," I blurted. "Draven's been nothing but amazing to me, and he's different. Special. I knew that from the first time we met."
Tom looked skeptical. I decided it was time to end this conversation.
"Anyway, I'm late for work. There's still some casserole in the fridge. You can heat it up for lunch," I said.
"Tobias, I know I haven't been the best roommate, but I finally found a job," Tom said.
He looked a little uncertain, so unlike him.
Maybe his confidence had taken a huge hit after being unable to find a job for the past few months.
“That's what I wanted to tell you before you walked in with another alpha's scent on you,” Tom finished.
A pang of guilt hit me. I hadn't exactly been the greatest brother in the world either, because I initiated half our arguments.
Still, I couldn't deal with his concerns about Draven. Tom had no right to judge Draven, especially if he hadn’t met or spoken to him.
“That’s great, Tom," I said, trying to sound as sincere as possible. "And congrats on the job. But I've got to go. Maybe you can tell me more about it later?”
"Alright, Tobias," Tom said. " careful out there, okay?"
I grabbed my jacket and nodded, not trusting myself to speak as I hurried out the door.
I watched with clenched fists as the tow truck pulled Tobias' ruined car out of the parking lot.
Without Tobias by my side to soothe my anger, it surged back with a vengeance.
Images of Justin's smug face flashed through my mind, and I imagined sinking my fangs deep into his throat.
Perhaps I could turn him into barbecue.
But before I could lose myself in those violent fantasies, someone tapped me on the shoulder, startling me back to reality.
It was the guy from the tow service, Tim, as his nametag revealed. He was explaining the repairs needed for the car, but I hadn't been paying much attention.
"If you don't mind me asking, that's Tobias Anderson's ride. Can I ask how you came by it?" Tim inquired.
My dragon identified Tim as a leopard shifter. I noted there were a couple of them in the bar last night.
Unlike Tim’s other pard mates, Tim didn’t seem afraid of me. Yet.
"Well, Tim, Tobias and I returned here to pick up his car and found it like this. Tobias suspects it's the work of Justin Moore and his friends. You know him?" I replied, reeling in my emotions.
"Justin Moore?" Tim scoffed. "Everyone here knows the mayor's kid."
The revelation about Justin Moore, the mayor's son, explained why Tobias seemed deflated when I reminded him to report the incident to the police.
"Then... nothing would come out of Tobias reporting this to the police?" I questioned.
"Tobias could try, but yeah," Tim confirmed, scratching his beard. "Justin's done worse and has gotten off every time with a slap on the hand."