Page 20 of Possessing Paisley
“I’m going to get an Uber and head home. It’s late, and I’m tired.”
My palm twitches. What did she just say?
“The fuck you are. How’d you get here? If you say by Uber, I’m going to spank your ass.”
She narrows her eyes, and the woman who hates me is back. I think I might have been wrong before. I like this side of her. Feisty and strong. A brat. Defiant. It’s thrilling. I never know what to expect out of her mouth. It’s also all the more reason to spank her.
“You are really something. Do you go around threatening to spank women all the time when they say something you don’t like?”
I shrug and scan the room before lowering my gaze to her again. “No. As a matter of fact, you’re the only one I’ve felt like spanking lately. Why the hell did you take an Uber? You have access to all our drivers, who, by the way, are bodyguards and drive bulletproof vehicles.”
“Just because I live there doesn’t mean your men are at my disposal. I’m an outsider. Besides, the last time I checked, I don’t require bulletproof cars or big Irishmen protecting me.”
Taking a step toward her, I let out a low growl and feel a twinge of pleasure when she retreats a step. “See, that’s where you’re wrong, lass. You’re just as much part of this family now asany of the other girls. And if I catch you taking a goddamn Uber again or getting into a car with a strange man, I’m going to put you over my knee.”
Her eyes flash, and she lifts her chin slightly. “Your drivers are strangers.”
“You enjoy being a brat to me, don’t you?”
A Cheshire Cat smile spreads on her face. “Just as much as you enjoy being a big bossy jerk to me.”
I glance over her, see her pisswad of an ex heading our way, and wrap a possessive arm around her waist to pull her into me. I’ve been able to rein in my temper so far tonight, but it’s wearing thin, and I’m one more dumb comment away from slitting the asshole’s throat.
“Let’s go, brat. You can ride home with me.”
If she fights me on this, I’m going to throw her over my shoulder and carry her out of here, so she better choose wisely. Over my dead body is she getting into a car with some stranger.
As if she knows I’m not going to budge on this, she drops her shoulders and sighs. “Fine. Lead the way, you big buffoon.”
“You know, you really shouldn’t call your man names. Maybe I should spank you for being so naughty.” Then, I wink at her and chuckle at her shocked expression as I nudge her toward the exit.
He’s a caveman. A bull in a china shop. Unreasonable. A thorn in my side. But tonight, he’s also been a gentleman. Mostly.
I was being a sassy brat to him ten minutes ago, but he still held out his arm and led me out to his SUV, opened the door for me, then turned on my heated seat. The warmth surrounding me is making it hard to keep my eyes open. Tonight has been weird. It also turned into a not-so-bad evening. Who knew that Kieran would make a good date?
“Thank you for saving me, by the way. You didn’t have to do that.”
He glances at me and dips his chin. “I might be a dick, Paisley, but I’m never going to leave you hanging in a shitty situation. I’d protect you with my life if it came down to it.”
My heart squeezes, and a lump forms in my throat. Besides Chloe, I haven’t had people in my life who would fight to keep me there. Hell, my own parents wouldn’t put their lives on the line for me. Yet, I know Kieran means exactly what he said. He can be a total dick sometimes, but he’s also a good man down to his core.
Unable to speak past the emotion lodged in my chest, I open my clutch to find my house key. I dig through it, my heart pounding faster as I shove the contents around multiple times.
“What’s wrong?”
“I can’t find my key. I swear I grabbed it from my bigger bag when I was switching stuff over. Do you have a spare to Bash and Chloe’s house?”
Kieran shoots me a look of annoyance. “It’s your house too, Paisley. You live there.”
Exasperated, I roll my eyes. He is truly maddening at times.