Page 4 of Possessing Paisley
My back is to everyone while I ramble on and pour myself a heavy glass of whiskey. When I finally stop talking, the room is so silent that I turn around. As soon as I do, all of them erupt into obnoxious laughter.
“Jesus, mate. You’re fucking sprung,” Killian says. “Never thought I’d see the day when Kieran liked a girl so much. Poor lass. She’s going to need some therapy to deal with you.”
Even though I’m in a room with five of my best friends—men I’ve known for so long we consider each other family, men I would trust my life with and give my life for—I’ve never wanted to kill these assholes more than I do right now.
“You all can fuck off. I’m not sprung. We hate each other. I’d be like this about any woman working that much. It’s not acceptable.”
Another round of laughter, and I officially hate every single one of them.
“Can we focus on what we were talking about instead of my personal life?” I throw back the entire glass of whiskey and slam it down on the counter.
Killian, the second-in-command of our syndicate, grins. His straight white teeth make me want to punch him in his pretty face. “So, you admit that Paisley is part of your personal life. Good to know. Moving on.”
Declan gives Killian a fist-bump, then proceeds to start talking about business like this conversation never happened.
“Smoke is still in the wind. I’m sure he’s hiding because he knows we’re looking for him. Once things settle, he’ll get brave and start making moves again. We need to be ready for that,” Declan says.
“I talked to Knox and Angel, and they’re positive that the shitty guns they’ve been getting are from Smoke and his crew. We need to put a stop to that as soon as possible,” Killian adds.
I pay better attention this time, though part of me wants to go back into the dining room and make sure Paisley ate all the food I brought her. I don’t know why I even care. And she’s right. I’m not the boss of her.
“Do we need to put the girls on lockdown? Because I’d be happy to chain Chloe to my bed,” Bash says with a glint in his eye.
“Dude! What the fuck. That’s my sister,” I snap. “Just because you married her doesn’t mean I won’t kick your ass.”
Bash chuckles, ignoring my threat completely. He’s my best friend in the world, and I trust him with my sister more than I’d trust anyone else, but still. I don’t want to hear about all the nasty shit they do together.
“I don’t think we need a total lockdown. Just make sure we know where they are at all times. Cali, Scarlet, and Chloe will all have their bodyguards with them any time they leave the estate.” Declan glances at his watch, no doubt checking to see if it’s time to put Cali to bed. The man has her on a strict schedule.
“What about Paisley? We should assign a bodyguard to her.” Maybe I should be her bodyguard. Oh, she would love that.
Declan nods. “Yeah. That’s a good idea. Patrick is healed up from getting shot. I’ll assign him to Paisley for the time being.”
Two feelings settle in my chest. The first one feels a lot like heartburn. Patrick is a good man. He’s loyal, strong, and he’s good with the women in this family. I don’t want him spending time with Paisley. I can’t tell Declan that; otherwise, it would prove their point, even if it is completely wrong.
Bash clears his throat. “I don’t know that Paisley would do well with a bodyguard following her around. She seems pretty private. Even living in our house, she tends to keep to herself.Maybe have Patrick follow her when she leaves the property, but tell him to keep his distance. We could ask Cage to put trackers on her, too. He did it for all the other girls.”
Fuck, I love my best friend. As if he knows what I’m thinking, Bash glances at me and winks.
Cage isn’t part of the Irish mafia. Hell. We’re tame compared to whatever it is that he does. All I know is that he’s helped us dozens of times, and we’ve done the same for him. He’s also immensely protective of women. Even if he is a complete psychopath. Not that long ago, we found out he’d snuck into Bash’s house and put trackers in all of my sister’s lipsticks. While they were sleeping in the other room. Who does that kind of shit? Cage Fucking Black. That’s who.
Declan taps his phone screen, then looks up. “Got it. Sent him and Patrick a message. Now, if we’re done here, I need to put my baby girl to bed.”
The three men in the room who have women get up and head out, leaving me, Ronan, and Grady alone.
“They might as well wrap a leash around their dicks and give the other end to their women.” Grady smirks.
I chuckle and nod because it’s true. Never did I think any of us would settle down. Then, our boss found Cali and became obsessed with her to the point of stalking her for months. After that, Killian fell in love with Cali’s sister, Scarlet. And most recently, my best friend fell for my sister. There have been a lot of changes lately. And if I’m totally honest about it, I love having all the women around. They’ve brought a sweet innocence into the family that we desperately needed.
Ronan doesn’t say anything. Instead, he throws back his glass of whiskey and rises from his chair, throwing a half-ass, “Night,” our way before he leaves. He’s been extra quiet lately. More than usual.
“I’m going to bed, too,” Grady says.
Nodding, I follow him from the office out to the large circle driveway in front of Declan’s house toward our cars.
“Night, Grady.”
Grady smirks. “Night, lover boy. Can’t wait to watch you start getting led around by your dick too.”