Page 57 of Possessing Paisley
Cali elbows me again. “You should go over there. Tell her to get the hell away from him.”
Shaking my head, I take a long drink from my glass. “No. This is an important night for Chloe, and I’m not going to ruin it for her. If Kieran doesn’t want her touching him, he’ll tell her tostop. If he doesn’t, well, I guess that’s my sign that it was a bad idea to trust him.”
Just saying the words out loud hurts my heart. Could I have been totally wrong about him? I was wrong about Jeremy. Maybe I’ve made a huge mistake, and everything I believe is just bullshit he was saying so he could sleep with me.
My eyes burn with tears, but I blink them away. I can’t do this right now. The focus of tonight is Fearless Beauty.
Several people walk by, distracting me as they stop to talk to me briefly and introduce themselves. I don’t remember any of their names, and I can’t focus on anything they’re saying because all I can think about is running and hiding so I can cry my eyes out in private.
Chloe strides toward me, her face pinched with anger. Scarlet is right on her heels.
“Who is that bitch over there touching my brother?” Chloe demands.
My shoulders drop, and I feel awful that my best friend is worried about this instead of the party.
Scarlet scans the room, her gaze settling on Kieran and the woman. “I’m pretty sure that’s Olivia Jade. Does Kieran know her? He doesn’t look happy.”
I swallow, turn my attention to Kieran, and really look at him. Scarlet’s right. He’s pissed and uncomfortable.
Chloe gasps. “Olivia Jade? Fuck, how did I not see her name on the guest list? That’s his ex. She’s a horrible bitch of a woman.”
Kieran meets my eyes, and I swear, he pleads for my help with just one look. The jealousy I was feeling a moment ago vanishes, replaced with pure venom. That woman hurt the man I love, and now she’s here, touching him like he’s hers? Fuck no.
“Chloe,” I murmur. “I don’t want to ruin your party.”
My best friend swings her head toward me and laughs. “Oh, bestie, this is our party, and please, fucking ruin it if it means getting that witch away from Kieran. Besides, social media loves a little drama.”
I glance at my three best friends. They’re all nodding, nearly as pissed as I am. As graciously as possible, I cross the room, though I’m pretty sure everyone can tell I’m on a mission as they move out of my way.
Kieran’s expression relaxes as soon as I approach and he takes a step to the side, opening his arms for me. Head held high, I move into his embrace and put my hands on the sides of his face to pull him down for a kiss.
“I didn’t want to cause a scene,” he says quietly when our lips part.
I smile and nod before I turn toward his ex. “Hi. We haven’t met. I’m Paisley, Kieran’s fiancée. Who are you, and why were you touching my man?”
The woman’s mouth drops open for a second before she gathers her wits and forces a smile. Then, she has the nerve to stick her hand out to me.
“I’m Olivia. Kieran and I used to date. We were just catching up. It’s interesting he didn’t tell me about you,” she says, her voice like nails on a chalkboard.
Ignoring her hand, I tilt my head slightly. “How could he possibly tell you about me when you were doing all the talking? I’m sure you’re used to getting everything you want and all, but Kieran is mine. I actually love him, and I’ll protect his heart for the rest of our lives. I’m the one he’s going to come home to every night. So, let’s get something straight. If you put your hands on him again, I’ll slit your pretty little throat and watch you bleed out in front of all these people. ‘Kay?” I bat my eyelashes at her and grin. Her expression shifts from shock to fear in a matter of seconds.
Kieran’s grip on my hips tightens until it’s almost painful, but then he leans down and kisses my shoulder. It’s tender and intimate, despite there being hundreds of people around. It’s his way of acknowledging everything I just said. I just hope he knows I meant every single word of it.
“Security will escort you out, and you will no longer be associated with Fearless Beauty,” Chloe says from behind Olivia. “And if you ever come near my brother again, I will be the one handing my future sister-in-law the knife.”
Olivia gasps. It’s so theatrical and fake that Chloe and I roll our eyes in unison. I give Olivia a finger wave as a couple of Declan’s men nudge her away. She slaps at them like they’re flies and not six-foot-something mafia men.
“Kieran, make them stop! I can’t believe you’re letting them treat me like this!” Olivia shouts.
Kieran raises his eyebrows, his arm tensing around me. I nuzzle in closer to him and rest my hand just over his heart.
“You can’t believe it, huh? You know what I can’t believe? That you would even approach me after the shit you did. You’re a materialistic gold digger with no self-respect and no consideration for others. You’re lucky I haven’t destroyed your life piece by piece,” he growls. “Now, get the fuck out of here so my woman can continue celebrating her accomplishments that she’s worked her ass off for.”
I grin up at him, my love for him growing even more. I’ve never had a hero in my life, but I do now. My man. My protector. My Daddy.