Page 10 of Keeping Katie
By the time I get home, my mind is made up, even though I wish I could change it. I send Chloe a text, letting her know I can’t make it to dinner because of all the things I need to do. A girls’ night sounds fun and exactly what I need, but the house is the priority.
Chloe:Let’s plan for this weekend, then? You’ve got to eat sometime.
I smile, my heart feeling a bit lighter.
Katie:Yes, I suppose you’re right. This weekend works.
That gives me four days to work on the house. I’m sure I can get a ton accomplished by then.
Birds chirp happily as I unlock the front door to the shop. Why are they so glad to be awake this early? It’s pure torture, if you ask me. Especially since I only got a few hours of sleep last night. Getting home late, thoughts about everything I need to do to my parents’ house, then visions of the hot man who starred in all my fantasies last night—I’m a walking zombie today. Still, the orgasms were worth it.
Once inside, I lock the door behind me and get to work brewing the carafes of drip, starting up the espresso machine, and making sure we have enough cups and lids set out for the day.
Even though I hate waking up so early, I love this time of the morning. The world is still quiet while the sun slowly climbs out of its own bed and brightens the world. The windows allow me to watch as things come to life. It’s the most Zen part of my day because my thoughts are still sleeping until I’ve had my first hit of coffee.
The bookstore owner next door knocks on one of the front windows as she passes by. I wave at her and smile. It’s our usual morning greeting to each other. A small thing that gives me a sense of normalcy. I can’t remember the last time my life felt that way.
Right at five o’clock, I turn on the neon open sign and unlock the door. My morning shift employee won’t be here until six since the rush doesn’t typically start until after then anyway. I get the first hour to slowly get into my groove with a few regular customers who come in on their way to work.
Before I make it back behind the counter, the door chime rings. I pause mid-step, caught off guard by the immediate customer. Usually, I’m able to get my own coffee made before I have to make someone else’s. Guess I’ll have to wait a little longer this morning. I turn to greet whoever it is but immediately freeze.
Swallowing, I stare at Grady in stunned silence. It takes a second for me to get my shit together and force a tight smile. A flush starts at my cheeks and works its way down my entire body, right to my clit. I might be a zombie this morning, but my pussy is wide awake and purring like a cat in heat. My gaze wanders behind him, waiting for Chloe to appear, but she doesn’t. It’s only him. “Um, good morning. Welcome to Twisted Bean.”
Even at this hour, he’s dressed in a crisp black suit; only this time, he has on a long jacket to match, black leather gloves, and a dark gray scarf. He looks edible. And way more awake than me.
Did I put on concealer this morning? Nope. I sure didn’t. At least I brushed my hair and put on deodorant.
“Good morning, lass,” Grady says with a half-smirk. “Cold out there. Hope you were bundled up when you came in.”
I shudder, my skin prickling. That’s sweet of him to care. Although I’m certainly not going to tell him I was not, in fact, bundled up in more than a jean jacket because I was in such a hurry.
What is he doing here? It’s barely daylight out.
“Did you lose something yesterday?” I ask, looking around the shop as if something is going to jump out at me.
“No, lass. Think I found something, though.”
My head snaps up, and I meet his gaze. His eyes are practically glowing. A mix of green, gold, and blue. Penetrating to the point I almost feel naked. Exposed. Can he see all my insecurities? My flaws?
“Was hoping I could get another one of those coffees you made me,” he adds.
Oh, right. Duh. That’s why he’s here. He wants coffee. Silly me.
I stride around the counter and grab a cup, nodding. “Of course. Coming right up.”
He doesn’t reply. Instead, he stares, watching me like a hawk as I make his beverage. This time, I keep my eyes on the task so I don’t end up embarrassing myself again. It’s not until I put a lid on the drink that he finally looks away.
“Here you go.”
“Can I get a pastry too? Pick one you like.”
My tummy does a little flutter. We stare at each other for a second. A shudder runs through me. I’m sure my cheeks would be bright pink if I looked in the mirror right now. Who needs a coat when he’s around? Not me.
I reach into the glass case and pull out an apple strudel croissant. “Do you want it for here or to go?”
Why did I ask that? Obviously, he’s not going to stay. He’s not the kind of guy to spend his time in a coffee shop. Especially at five in the morning.