Page 17 of Keeping Katie
As I pour her a glass, I can’t stop glancing at her. She’s beautiful. The permanent blush on her cheeks makes her look innocent. I find it hard to believe she doesn’t have a man in herlife. Chloe didn’t think she was involved with anyone, and I sure as fuck hope that’s the case because otherwise the guy will die.
All the food is set out family style. The guys like being able to make their girls’ plates for them. One of the ways they show they care.
“Is there anything you don’t want?” I ask as I pick up Katie’s dinner plate.
She scans all the food, then looks to me and shakes her head. “No. It all looks delicious. You don’t have to do that for me.”
“Sit and relax, Little one. Drink your wine.”
I reach for some tongs. Out of the corner of my eye, I see she takes a sip from her glass. My cock thickens. She’s obedient. A pleaser. Just what I like. I have no way of knowing for sure, but I have a feeling she obeyed all the instructions I left for her this past week.
The girls spend the meal talking about so many different topics I can’t keep up. I don’t even try because the only one I want to pay attention to is the woman next to me.
She seemed shocked when I threatened to spank the girls. Does she know anything about this lifestyle? Or what a Daddy is? I’m not opposed to being with someone who’s new to this kind of dynamic, but being a Daddy is something I can’t turn off, so I really need her to be into it.
Maybe it’s because I’m so controlling. That I feel the need to protect everyone around me. It could also be because I want to feel needed. It’s probably fucked up that I want someone to be dependent on me, but I’ve never claimed to be normal. And what I want from Katie will be far from fucking normal. I’ll want everything from her. Her submission, loyalty, obedience, attention. Every single thing.
“You’re not eating.” She has her big blue eyes turned up at me when I look over at her.
I glance at her plate and then back at her. “Neither are you.”
A whisper of a smile spreads on her lips. “Yes, I am.”
Cocking my head, I raise an eyebrow and pin her with a stern look. “You’ve been pushing your food around your plate all night. Start eating before I take it upon myself to feed you.”
She scans the room to see if anyone is paying attention to our conversation.
“Are you always so concerned about people eating?” she asks.
No. Never. I’m not going to admit that, though. “Maybe. Depends on who it is, I guess. What do you do when you’re not working?”
“Hmm. I don’t really know.” The sparkle in her eyes dims, and her shoulders drop. “That sounds like I don’t have a life. I guess I don’t. My mom passed away a few months ago, but she’d been sick for a while, so I usually spent all my time with her.”
I lift my glass to my lips and take a drink, my heart squeezing for her. Fuck. This was not the direction I wanted the conversation to go.
“I’m sorry about your mom. She was lucky to have you.”
We stare at each other for several seconds while everyone else around us talks.
“Right, Katie?” Chloe asks.
Katie’s head snaps toward her friend. “Huh? I’m sorry, what did you say?”
Chloe grins. “I was telling Bash that we were planning a girls’ night. Maybe we can go to a club or something.”
“No clubs,” Kieran says firmly.
“Maybe for you,” Paisley argues, rolling her eyes at her husband.
Kieran grumbles something under his breath about spanking her ass when they get home. Paisley winks at Katie.
Cali claps her hands. “We should go tonight!”
Paisley, Chloe, and Scarlet all shout their agreement while Katie bobs her head and grins.
Ronan returns from the kitchen with a new bottle of wine in hand. “None of you girls are going anywhere tonight. It’s snowing.”
“What?” Katie jumps up and runs from the room toward a window. “Oh, shoot!”