Page 41 of Keeping Katie
“What’s wrong with my girl?” I ask before pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Letting out a deep sigh, she looks up at me. “Just a busy day, and I got an email from my real estate agent telling me he wouldn’t be able to work with me any longer because of scheduling conflicts. Whatever that means. I didn’t like him anyway, but now I need to find a new one, and I don’t have time to start all over. The insurance company is constantly pestering me for payment. They’ve been pretty patient up until now. I thought the house would be sold already, and then I could pay them off. Or mostly off anyway.”
My heart and cock both ache for her but in different ways. She’s so small compared to me. I’d never think of her as weak because it’s obvious how strong my girl is, but fuck, she’s struggling. As her Daddy, I need to step in before she breaks.
“Breathe, baby girl. We’ll handle all of this together. It’s not all on you anymore.”
She pushes against me and shakes her head. “Grady.”
Oh no. Fuck no. She’s not going to push me away and feed me a line of bullshit about whatever trash she’s telling herself.
“You don’t want to get involved with me. I’m a mess.”
Yep. Straight fucking garbage.
I look around, noting one of her employees cleaning a table, then grab Katie by the wrist and lead her toward the back room. I haven’t seen the entire shop yet, but there’s got to be somewhere private where I can make things perfectly fucking clear to her.
To the left is a small but organized office. I pull her in and close the door behind us.
“Grady, what are you doing?” she asks, her eyes wide and her tone tinged with fear.
Ignoring her, I spin her toward the desk and push her down roughly so her chest is resting on a pile of papers. Then I smack her ass.
“What am I doing, baby girl? I’m teaching you a lesson. That’s what Daddy is doing. Because you think you have to take on the world all alone, you’re pushing yourself to your limits. That’s going to end, right here, right now.” I smack her ass again, and she yelps. “When I sank my cock deep into your pussy, no condom, nothing between us but our souls, and told you that you were mine, I meant every fucking word of it. That means your problems are my problems, and you’re mine to take care of. You’re not allowed to push me away, Katie-baby.”
I smack each cheek a few times, though I doubt it hurts all that much over her jeans. She still jumps in surprise.
“You belong to me, Little girl. I’m not Grady to you. I’m Daddy.”
She’s breathing hard, but she doesn’t agree with me, and it makes my cock harden even more. She’s testing me. Pushing me.Too bad for her and her round ass, she’s going to find out this Daddy doesn’t back down.
“Unbutton your jeans,” I command.
“What?” she tries to rise from the desk, but I hold her down.
“Unbutton your jeans. If I have to tell you again, I’ll use my belt instead of just my hand for this spanking.”
“You can’t spank me here,” she whines, though it isn’t forceful.
“I can spank you anywhere I want. One.”
“What?” she asks, looking back at me in confusion.
“Two.” I raise my eyebrows at her, and she jumps into action, undoing her jeans.
Once she’s done, I tuck my hand around the waistband and yank them—and her underwear—down, baring her ass to me. There’s only a slight pink hue on her skin where I’ve already spanked her.
“Have you changed your mind about wanting me, baby girl?”
She quickly shakes her head, and I start to pepper her bottom with my hand.
“Ouch! Oh, God. That hurts!” she cries out softly.
“It’s supposed to hurt, baby. It’s meant to teach you a lesson, which apparently you need if you think there’s a chance in hell I’m going to walk away from you. And putting yourself down? Saying you’re a mess? That’s definitely not allowed. That’s one of your rules. No negative self-talk.”
“I wasn’t—” She yelps. “Owwie! Daddy…”
Now we’re getting somewhere. Too bad for her, this is only the start of her punishment.