Page 5 of Keeping Katie
She eyes the gun I’m in the process of cleaning and shrugs. “Maybe another day. I was actually wondering if you would go with me to pick out a gift for Daddy.”
I’m not sure why she’s asking me for help. Her brother is Bash’s best friend, and Declan and Ronan are his brothers. Granted, Iamtheir cousin. I’m closer to Ronan than I am to Bash.
“Kieran probably knows what he likes better than I would. Or ask Ronan. If you ask me, I’d say get him some itching powder.”
Her eyes narrow as she wanders in closer. “Yeah, but Kieran is busy, and Ronan left for Ireland this morning. And itching powder is mean. Don’t be a bully, Grady. Besides, surely you can help pick out a decent watch. I don’t know anything about men’s timepieces, and you love them.”
I do love a good quality, expensive watch. Especially when I’m about to kill someone; I make a show of checking my wrist before I tell them it’s time to die. Maybe I’ll keep that to myself, though. No need to scare Chloe.
“You need to go right now?” I ask as I start wiping down the metal frame. Clearly, she can see I’m in the middle of something. Her chin drops with determination, and I already know she’s not giving up on this.
“Yes. I want to do something nice for him because he’s always doing such sweet things for me.”
I’m sure he’d find a blowjob to be much nicer than a new watch, but I’m not going to tell her that either. Bash might murder me if I talked about anything sexual with his girl. He’s the most possessive bastard I’ve ever met. And I’m jealous as fuck of him. Ever since he got with Chloe, the idiot walks around with a perma-grin on his face like he won the fucking lottery. I guess, in a way, he did.
“Fine. Let me reassemble my gun, and then we’ll go.”
Bouncing up and down on her tiptoes, she claps her hands. “Yay! Thank you. Cali’s coming too.”
Awesome. So I’m going to have two brats ganging up on me this afternoon. Chloe is mostly a sweetheart, but anytime Cali is around, there’s some kind of naughtiness that happens. She’s pure trouble. Hell, for all I know, there’s a dating profile out there for me somewhere that she’s created. I should probably look into it and make sure that isn’t the case.
As soon as Chloe disappears, I put my Glock back together like a puzzle I’ve already done a million times and chamber a bullet before I tuck it into my shoulder holster. I send a text to Cullen, one of our main bodyguards and drivers, telling him to have a car out front for us. Then I send a message to the group we have set up between the top six.
Grady:I’ve been summoned by Chloe and Cali to take them shopping. Declan, Bash, are you aware of this?
Ronan:Better you than me. I’ll pray for you, bro.
Grady:Why the fuck are you going to Ireland again? This is the third time in two months.
Sarcastic asshole.
Declan:Cali let me know. I told her it was fine as long as you didn’t mind.
Grady:As if we ever get a choice when it comes to these brats?
Bash:Choice? Fuck no. That went out the window when we said I do. They just want to spend some quality time with you.
Doubtful, but if Chloe is wanting to shop for a gift for Bash, she may have fed him that line of BS.
Grady:Quality time, my ass. I’ll be lucky if I make it back alive. Cullen’s driving, so I can drink the entire time.
Killian:Good luck with them. Scarlet wanted to go too, but I made her take a nap because she was being a bit too sassy. You can thank me now.
Grady:Gee. Thanks.
Kieran:Our girls are angels. Quit bitching about having to spend time with them.
Declan:Love seeing Kieran become a big fucking marshmallow since he married Paisley. Angels? That’s a stretch.
Grady:None of you are helpful. I’ll be back later. If we’re not back by five, send help.
Ronan:(laughing emoji)
Grady:Not going to answer my question about why you’re going to Ireland, huh?
Bash:Be careful with them. They might be brats, but they’re our everything.
My heartbeat quickens, and an emptiness settles in the pit of my stomach. I’ve never been a jealous person, but lately, it’s been hitting me hard.