Page 31 of Cage
As soon as his gaze lands on me and he notices my tears, he rushes over to me. Without warning, he picks me up, then sits on the edge of the bed, settling me onto his lap. My heart races but the warmth of him surrounding me soothes the panic that’s been building.
“Why are you crying, baby girl?” he asks softly as he strokes my back.
Before I have the chance, he uses his thumb to wipe my cheeks. It’s such a small, Daddyish thing to do, and for a second, it makes me wish he actually was my Daddy. Cage might be a bit different, but something tells me he’d be a good one.
“Everything,” I say, sniffling. “I’ve never been Little in front of anyone, so even though I want to, I’m not sure if I can.”
He tightens his arms around me so my head rests against his chest, and his steady heartbeat gives me something to focus on.
One… two… three… four…
“It’s okay if you can’t, but why don’t we go over to the playroom and see how you feel? I can even leave you alone there if that would help you more comfortable.”
I want to tell him I’m perfectly comfortable right here on his lap, but I keep that to myself.
“Why are you being so nice to me?” I ask.
Cage rests his chin on the top of my head. “Are you saying I’m usually an asshole? That hurts. I’m usually such a delight.”
Giggling, I look up at him. “I never called you an asshole. But compared to the guy who kidnapped me, you’re being super nice.”
The corners of his lips twitch. “Didn’t kidnap you, firefly.”
I rest my head on his chest again and sigh. “I’m sorry you got dragged into babysitting me. I know this isn’t your normal job. It seems like I’m always a burden.”
Why am I always a burden to people? Cage didn’t want me. But he got stuck with me, and now he has to deal with me being an emotional wreck who has random panic attacks. Lucky him.
Cage reaches down and cups my chin, forcing me to look at him. Our faces are only inches apart, giving me the perfect view of his strong chin and dark eyes. Would it be weird if I ran my fingers over his beard?
“I didn’t get dragged into anything. I could have turned it down if I truly wanted to. And while it might not be a normal mission, I’m enjoying my time with you. You’re a special Little girl, firefly. You deserve better than the life your asshole father has given you.”
His words penetrate my heart. I know he’s right about that.
“My father lost the love of his life when my mom died. It wasn’t right that he sent me away after that, but I think he did what he thought was best. Before I left, he told me that when all of this is over, he wants to work on our relationship.” I sigh. “But then he let you kidnap me, so I don’t know how much weight I should put into that.”
Cage laughs. “I didn’t kidnap you, Little girl. I’m starting to think you have a thing about kidnapping. Is it some kind of kink of yours I should know about?”
I burst into giggles and cover my face, my cheeks hot against my palms. “No, definitely not.”
And just like that, with a little teasing, the mood in the room lifts and I’m smiling instead of crying.
“Come on, firefly. You’re going to be so excited when you see the playroom.” He sets me on my feet. “Do you need to go potty before we walk over?”
I open my mouth to remind him about boundaries, but that’s not what comes out.
“Nope. I went potty a little bit ago.”
My entire face heats, and I duck my head. Instead of making a big deal of it, he takes me by the hand and leads me out of the room.
“Wait, I’m still in my pajamas.” I stop and look down at myself, horrified that I forgot I haven’t gotten dressed yet.
“Baby girl, the only people who are going to see you are Rowie and my brothers. None of us cares if you’re in your pajamas.”
He studies me for a second, then turns me back toward the room. “Okay, I’m picking out your clothes and helping you get dressed.”
Wait, what?