Page 46 of Cage
“No.” I run my hands over his ribs. “They aren’t worth it.”
He slides his fingers up the back of my neck into my hair and fists it again. Then he pulls, so I’m forced to lift my head and look at him. “They’re not. But you are.”
I bite my bottom lip, trying to keep from bursting into tears. Gosh, when did I become such a crier? Apparently, The Ranch brings it out in me. Or maybe it’s because I feel so safe here. Or is it because the people here, even the ones I’ve barely gotten to know, seem to care about me? I don’t remember ever having that before. And every time one of them shows me even a sliver of tenderness, I practically turn into an emotional ball of tears. It’s nice to feel something other than loneliness.
“I can’t give you forever, firefly, but if you want to know what it’s like to have a Daddy while you’re here, I can give you that.”
The lump in my throat grows bigger, and my heart aches a bit more than it did a second ago. Why do I feel disappointed? He’s giving me what I asked for. Something temporary.
Am I sad he isn’t demanding to keep me for the rest of our lives? That would be silly. He’s not my type. At least he’s not the type my father has planned for me. Cage is the complete opposite of everything my father would choose. We come from two different worlds. Yet, somehow, this world is where I feel most at home.
Thankfully, he lets go of my hair, so I lower my head back onto his chest, listening to his steady beating heart. It’s easier when I don’t have to meet his gaze.
“I want to know what it’s like to have a Daddy. So yes, I accept,” I finally reply. “Thank you, Cage.”
His dick throbs beneath me. Does this mean he will have sex with me?
“Starting now, it’s always Daddy. The only time it would ever be acceptable for you to use my name is if we were in a public setting, but we won’t be going anywhere, so that doesn’t apply. If you use my name here on The Ranch, I’ll take away a Good Girl Point.”
My nipples bud against him. “But what about in front of your family? What should I call you then?”
“Daddy. My brothers are all Daddies, too. They won’t even bat an eye. Consider them your platonic uncles while you’re here. Although, if you’re naughty when I’m not around, they will be allowed to discipline you.”
I snap my head up to look at him. “What? They’ll spank me?”
Cage reaches up and cups my chin in his palm. “No. Not unless that’s something you and I agree on. I’m not opposed to them spanking you if you deserve it. You get to decide whether that’s a hard limit or not. Otherwise, they may put you in timeout, take away Good Girl Points, or make you write lines.”
My tummy flutters, and my clit tingles, but my heart is racing. What have I gotten myself into? I’m not sure what I expected if Cage became my Daddy, but this wasn’t it. I should have known it would be intense. Everything about the man is. All he has to do is look at me a certain way to get me panting. What’s troubling me the most, though, is I don’t hate it. Would I want one of his brothers to spank me? Cage hasn’t even spanked me yet, so I don’t know how I’ll feel about it when the time comes.
“What are Good Girl Points?”
He grins. “They are points you can earn or have taken away. If you collect five points in one day, you get a reward. If you lose five points in one day, you get punished. However, there are some things you would be punished for right away that don’t apply to your points. Safety things. Or if you’re really naughty.”
I frown and pinch my eyebrows together. “I’m not naughty.”
The way he bites his lip makes me think he’s trying not to laugh. How dare he. I’m the goodest girl in the world.
“In the morning, we need to go over your rules. I also have a journal for you. It will give you a place to put thoughts and feelings that you might be too nervous to tell me. We’ll also discuss your limits. For right now, though, you need sleep.”
Does he seriously think I’m going to be able to sleep? He’s my Daddy. I have a Daddy. There’s no way I’m going to be able to doze off. I have questions. And I want to know what my rules are. The thought of having someone set rules for me has always made me squirmy.
“I’m not tired,” I murmur.
Cage lets out a sigh. “I can already tell you’re going to be sitting on a red bottom quite often, firefly. Quit arguing and close your eyes.”
The corners of my lips twitch as I obey his command. He shifts slightly, as if he’s reaching for something. A second later, he taps my lips.
“Open, baby girl.”
As soon as I do, he slides something soft into my mouth. A pacifier. The same one he left for me in the playroom that I was too nervous to use. I’d thought about it. Practically non-stop while I was in that room until Rowie came in.
I blink several times, chewing on the silicone to get a feel for it.
“Just relax and let yourself experience it. You’re safe to be Little here.”
His words soothe me. It doesn’t take long before I find myself gently sucking on the nipple, my eyes getting so heavy I can’t keep them open for another moment.