Page 5 of Cage
“I love you, too. Be safe, please.” They’re the same words she says to us whenever we have to leave.
She nods and skips off toward the kitchen, her pigtails bouncing along with her. I don’t care what she says, they’re even. Brat.
Before I forget, I pull out my phone to send a quick text.
Cage:Rowie’s in a mood this morning. Proceed with caution.
Cassian:Noted. Sugary cereal it is.
Jasper:I don’t think she slept well. I saw her tossing and turning on the baby monitor a few times.
Theo:Don’t give her cereal. Jesus. The last thing she needs is to be hopped up on sugar if she’s already tired. Make her some toast and eggs, then turn on a movie for her and give her a stuffie. She’ll probably fall back asleep.
Cage:It’s all you, Cass. I’m headed out for a meeting.
Jasper:I’m leaving and probably won’t be home tonight. I have some loose ends to wrap up in Mexico.
Theo:I’m going to try to be home tonight, but this mission has been exciting so might not be until tomorrow.
Exciting is never good in our world. I guess it’s a good thing we are who we are and can handle anything.
Cassian:Fuck. She’s having a meltdown over her toast. It’s too well-done.
I snort. Yeah, it’s going to be a rough day at home.
For the entire flight to DC, my phone has been blowing up with texts from Cassian, Ghost, and Rylan pleading to be saved from the wrath of Rowie.
It’s funny because, for a bunch of deadly bastards, we’re pathetic when it comes to her. In a life where we do everything possible to have no weaknesses, no soft spots, she is exactly that for all of us. Which is why we keep her so protected. No matter how many jobs we have going on, at least three of us stay atThe Ranch at all times because of Rowie. Unfortunately for those three assholes, today is their day.
Cage:Good luck with the Little one, brothers. Glad it’s you and not me.
Ghost:Fuck off, bro.
Cassian:I hope your dick falls off, man.
Cage:That’s harsh. I like my dick.
Rylan:Probably a little too much.
I snort and put my phone away as the plane comes to a stop. Time to get to work and see why I had to fly all the way to fucking DC for a meeting with one of our CIA handlers. It’s never a good sign when they ask to see us in person because it’s an indication that the job is dangerous and extremely complicated.
“Thanks, Captain. I’ll be ready to fly back in a few hours,” I say, saluting one of the pilots we keep on payroll.
He lifts his chin but doesn’t say anything as I start down the airstair.
An armored SUV waits for me nearby. I spend a few minutes checking for bombs and bugs before I climb in and start the ignition. Can’t ever be too careful. Especially in our line of work. We never know who might decide to come after us.
By the time I make it up to the top floor of the modern, state-of-the-art government building where my meeting is, I’m irritated. And the handler is already waiting for me.
At least it’s Ruth. Though she’s already glaring at me as I walk in. She’s one of my favorites of the bunch. She also seems to favor me out of the rest of my brothers, so maybe this job won’t be so bad after all.
“Cage,” she greets warmly as she stands and holds out her hand.
I’ve known this woman for twenty-plus years, but she still shakes my hand every time we see each other. That’s where our formalities end, though. Especially when we’re alone like this.
Her sky-high heels click on the shiny tiled floor as she strides over to me and drops a file on the table. I don’t know how she walks in those fucking things.