Page 101 of Vengeful Secret
“Mmhm. Wanted everyone to know who you belonged to.”
Pleasure rushes through me.
“I wanted everyone to know, too.”
He moves his hands to my arms, rubbing them up and down. Goosebumps have prickled along my flesh since it’s chilly out.
He takes off his jacket, putting it around my shoulders just like he did that first night we reconnected, and I don’t move away.
“Are you ready to go again?”
He sets up cans, more of them this time, and I find it a lot easier to hit them than the paper for some reason.
This time, I end up shooting all of them, and I jump up and down after placing the gun down.
Gray laughs. “Way to go,a ghrá!”
His supportive words make me feel like I can do anything, but Gray’s face sobers quickly. “Can I ask you something?”
I frown, looking up at him. “Of course you can. Anything.”
“Was there anyone else? Back then?”
My eyes widen. “What? No, of course not. Was there for you?”
Suddenly, my heart drops into my stomach.
What if there was someone else for him? What if there’s someone elsenow?
He shakes his head fiercely. “Wasn’t room for anyone else.”
“For me, either,” I admit, and then frown. “Were there women after me? During our separation?”
He presses his lips together. “A couple.”
Jealousy rolls through me, but I can’t exactly be too angry. There were a few dates for me, but nothing sexual.
I can’t blame Gray for having a couple of flings. After all, I was the one who left.
“For you?”
I don't answer right away.
He steps closer to me, looking down at me with a serious expression.
“Give me names. Addresses,” he growls.
I know he’s joking, but his face doesn’t show it. I laugh.
“No one,” I confess, and his face relaxes. “I was too busy taking care of Ciara. Had a couple of dates, but nothing that led to the bedroom.”
Gray nods. “It was just a couple of one-night stands for me.”
I wince. “I don't really want details.”
Gray smiles, leaning down to kiss me passionately, making my knees go weak.
“You’ve always been the only one for me, Sutton. I was devastated when you left. I thought other women might help me feel better, but they never did,” he says once he pulls away, keeping his arms around my waist.