Page 125 of Vengeful Secret
She decides on a striped dress, which doesn’t match the polka dots but we’re only going to the park.
Again, I’ll pick my battles when it comes to parenthood. That was the one thing my mother taught me. I wince when I think about how long it’s been since I’ve talked to her.
“Gray, can you and Ciara wait for me in the car?” I ask. “I want to call Mom.”
“Tell Granny I said hello!"
“I will,mo stóirin.”
Gray nods, taking Ciara’s hand and leading her to the car. There are four men in an Escalade already waiting, the engine idling.
I’ll make this quick.
She answers on the first ring. I’ve been avoiding her calls.
“Jesus, Sutton, where have youbeen?”
“I’m still staying with a friend,” I say quickly. “I'm sorry I haven’t called. Things have just been so busy with Ciara in school?—”
“I’m just glad you’re all right.” She sighs. “And Ciara? How’s she doing?”
“She’s great, Mom. Wanted me to tell you hi from her.”
“When will I see you two again?”
“Soon,” I promise. “I just wanted to give you a quick call.”
She pauses for a moment, and I grimace, hoping she’s not angry.
“All right, honey. I know what it’s like, being in love.”
I blink, surprised. “How do you know?—”
“No one just spends weeks at a friend’s house unless they’re in some kind of love bubble,” she teases, and I laugh.
“I guess you’re right.” I pause. “Mom, it’s Sutton's father.
She doesn’t gasp in surprise. “I knew by the way you talked about him that you still cared.” She pauses again. “Just be careful, Sutton.”
I know that she means be careful with my heart, that she doesn’t know about the danger I’m in, the danger I’m putting Ciara in, but my heart drops nonetheless.
“Of course, Mom. I love you.”
“I love you too, honey. Give Ciara a big hug and kiss from me.”
“Will do. I’ll talk to you soon.”
She hangs up, and I take a shaky breath. Things will be okay. They have to be.
I get into the car, and Gray smiles at me.
“Everything okay?"
“Perfect,” I say with a smile, trying my best to be in a good mood for this picnic.
Ciara’s singing in the car, happy as a clam, and I sing along with her, a song from her newest princess movie.
Gray doesn’t know the words but hums along, and by the time we arrive at the park, the horrible feeling I’ve been fighting all day starts to fade away.