Page 6 of Vengeful Secret
“Everything’s gone to shite,” I mutter, and Declan draws in a breath.
“It’s a lot of responsibility since Da got hurt.” He pauses, taking a sip of his beer. “But the clan trusts you, Gray. You don’t have to worry about having all the answers. No one expects you to. Everything’s up in the air right now.”
“Everyone keeps asking me about retaliation, and on top of that, there are other clans who are trying to find a way to bring us down, thinking us weak because Da is injured.”
“He’s getting better every day. Things are going to get better, Gray.”
Yeah? When?
But I don’t ask it, knowing it will make me sound depressed and bitter—and to be honest, maybe I am both of those things.I never expected to be the head of the Burke clan, not this early. Not like this.
“It’s just a lot,” I mutter, sipping my drink.
Declan nods. “I know it is. I’m here to help, you know. Kael is, too.”
I nod and smile, my chest warming a bit.
Declan and Kael have really stepped up in the last few weeks to help out, and it’s been really nice, actually. I’m glad that Declan’s over Kael dating Paige, our little sister, and that they’re best friends again.
“I appreciate it.”
“Is it weird that we’ve been getting along so well?” Declan asks, and I snort.
“It's a little weird.”
Declan and I butt heads now and again, but there was a time when we were at each other’s throats all the time.
It isn’t like that now. Now, we work together, live together, and happen not to hate each other, even at the worst of times.
“I’m sure we’ll fight about something before the month is out,” Declan drawls, clinking his glass with my own.
Declan sips his beer. His phone buzzes in his pocket, and he brings it out, frowning as he speaks into the phone.
“How high? Did you give—” He groans. “Okay. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
I watch him with raised eyebrows. “Something wrong?”
“The baby has a fever. A high one. Bree’s worried.”
“Poor wee one. You better go and take her to the emergency room.”
“Gray, I’m so sorry I have to cut the night short?—”
I raise a hand. “Please. Go and take care of my niece. I’ll let loose by myself.”
“Call a car, okay? Don’t drive.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Declan stands but pauses, looking down at me before clapping a hand on my shoulder.
“Everything’s going to be all right, Gray.”
“Sure, sure.” I plaster on a smile. “Keep me updated.”
He nods and throws too much cash down on the bar to pay for his single beer before leaving.
I hail Nessa, and she slides over, taking the cash and pocketing it.