Page 13 of Blood of Dragons
I didn’t want to cry, but it was hard not to.
I’d never really had a chance to grieve. After my father died and Talon let me go, I ran for my life…and I’d never stopped running. This was the first time I’d finally gotten to stop, knowing no one was behind me, that I was a free woman under a tyrant’s reign.
Everything hit me at once, my father’s suicide, my torture by General Titan, the loss of my kingdom…the final words I exchanged with Talon. It collapsed on top of me like the rest of the castle had fallen onto my shoulders.
I cried in a way I’d never allowed myself to cry. Just let it all out.
I sat on the ground and leaned against his tombstone, feeling my father hold me up just the way he did in life. The loss of my mother had been hard because I’d had to watch her slowly wither away and succumb to an illness no one could stop. But the loss of my father had been so quick and unexpected, and that was somehow harder. I’d had no time to prepare for his death. Had no warning what he was about to do. How had he said goodbye to me, knowing that he would be dead just minutes afterward?
He wasn’t a coward.
The soldiers stood by the entrance to the cemetery, keeping their distance as I grieved, looking away so they wouldn’t stare. But then Ronan walked toward me and stopped a few feet away. “I’m sorry to interrupt…but they’re coming.”
“The Death King has lieutenants stationed at each city. The one here sent us to investigate the dragon, assuming it was King Talon, but now that we haven’t reported back, he’s sent more men. You have to go.”
My grief had been cut short, and now I was being driven from my homeland once again. “I understand.” I got to my feet and looked at my father’s gravestone one last time.
“What should we tell the lieutenant?”
I was tired of hiding. Tired of running. “The truth.”
“We can lie and say it was King Talon?—”
“King Talon will eventually confirm that’s a lie, and he’ll have your heads for it. You’ve already shown me great kindness by burying my father, and you owe me nothing else.” I placed my palm on my father’s tombstone before I turned away. “One day, I’ll reclaim these lands in the name of my father…and exile King Talon.”
Inferno landed in the forest, finding an empty clearing just before sunset. Now that people had spotted the mighty red dragon, newfound attention would be on us both, and it was best to stay out of sight when we could.
Once I dismounted, I built a campfire, making the pile of rocks before collecting dead tree branches found on the forest floor. Inferno added his fire to the logs—and then the clearing was illuminated.
I sat on the log that Inferno had retrieved for me, my shoulders heavy from the emotional day. I got to say goodbye to my father, but I also had to confront the Talon I’d first met. My perception of him had changed during our time together, so much that they felt like two different people.
But I was painfully reminded that the two men were one and the same.
Inferno was quiet for a long time.I WISH I COULD SET YOUR PAIN ON FIRE…AND LET IT BURN AWAY.
My eyes lifted to him. “I know.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Soldiers came to the castle while I was in my father’s study, told me they buried my father in the cemetery. I got to visit his tombstone…my mother’s too.”
After I’d shoved everything into my pocket, I’d forgotten about it, thinking only of my father’s cold tombstone. “I did.” My hand moved into my pocket and pulled out the folded parchment, hastily crinkled in the depths of my pants. I unfolded it, and the necklace fell into my lap. I looked at the first sheet of parchmentand recognized my father’s handwriting. It was addressed to me, and that made me swallow. I started to read in my mind, knowing Inferno could hear my thoughts.
My daughter, if you’re reading this, that means I’m no longer with you. I’m sorry that we’ve parted ways, but I know we’ll be reunited once it’s your time to join me.Whether it’s war or illness that’s brought the end of my life, just know that every moment prior has been spent in joy—and that’s because of you. Even the years after I lost your mother were good because I always had you. I know that you’re alone in the world now, but I hope you find the love that I found with your mother, that you have children of your own and know the same happiness that I felt the moment I held you in my arms.
There’s something I need to share with you. I intended to hand you this information once you took the crown and I stepped aside, but that obviously didn’t come to pass. This may come as a shock to you…and I know you’ll have questions that I can never answer. But many generations ago, buried deep in our history, dragons roamed free here…until our kind tried to enslave them. This happened so long ago that this knowledge has been lost—and purposely destroyed. But our bloodline is directly descended from dragons, and it’s been our moral responsibility to protect them. This secret was passed to me from my father, and his father before him, and so on. Now, I pass it to you. As Queen of Scorpion Valley, it’s your job to carry this secret in silence, to ensure that the free people of this world never grow obsessed with dragons and their powers again. You’re the first line of defense—and hopefully the only one you need.