Page 43 of Blood of Dragons
“Just let me go.” My eyes dropped to his bare chest, remembering it on top of me, a mountain looming over my valley.
He gave an angry sigh. “Wherever you are is not home, Calista.”
“It’s the best I’m going to find.”
“Scorpion Valley is your home. You’re their rightful queen, and you should rule those lands. The crown is yours—now come home and take it.”
“Why the fuck not?”
“Because I may be queen of the valley, but you’re still the king of the lands. I will not serve you.”
“Calista, I don’t even want it. I just need the armies to win my war.”
“I would not send my people to die for a tyrant’s revenge.”
“A tyrant?” he snapped. “You think I’m a tyrant?”
“How many times do I have to repeat this story? I was forced as a prisoner to work myself to death for your benefit. My virginity was taken by a psychopath?—”
“He did not take your virginity. I did.” He grew angry again, like he did whenever General Titan was mentioned. “That wasn’t sex. That was violence.” His hand moved to his chest. “I was your first, Calista. You gave yourself to me, and it was passionate and real… It still is. Don’t give him power that he hasn’t earned. Your body was untouched when I took it, as far as I’m concerned. You should think the same.”
My eyes looked away again.
He didn’t ask me to come back. He let me have my moment. “Those dragons are still enslaved, Calista. They still need our help—your help.”
“Don’t manipulate me.”
“I’m not. I’m only reminding you of what’s at stake. That they still need your help, Inferno’s help.”
I decided not to tell Talon the truth. That Inferno was gone, that I lived in the land of the elves, that the free dragons were somewhere to the north of the White Mountains. I trusted him…but not when it came to this. His obsession with revenge fueled his entire being. He might come here to conquer the forest the way he’d conquered my own lands, and I couldn’t let that happen.
He tilted his head slightly and released a quiet sigh. “Tell me where you are.”
“I can’t.”
“Because I can’t.”
“There’s been no sign of Inferno in the skies since he was sighted in Scorpion Valley. I don’t know where you’re hiding, but you can’t hide forever.”
“And what happens if you spot us?” I looked at him again.
“I’ll come get you.”
“And then what?” I demanded. “You’ll force us into your servitude.”
“I’ve never forced you to do anything you didn’t want to do—ever.”
“Then what? Ask nicely?”
“Then what?”