Page 83 of Blood of Dragons
“Oh. Then I apologize.”
“It’s okay,” he said. “I’ve asked you personal questions. I’m actually a young elf, a young adult in your world. I’m 532.”
“And that’s young…?”
“Very. That’s why I’m unmarried and have no children. That’s something that happens later in life.”
“Wow, I can’t imagine having all that time to decide what you want.”
“It’s a gift in some ways. In other ways, it’s not.”
“How is it not?”
“When there’s no urgency to do anything, then there’s no reason to do anything at all. There’s no reason to meet someone or try to fall in love. There’s no reason to worry about your legacy or think about the future, not when the future is always the present.”
“That’s an interesting way to think about it.”
He stopped near one of the merchants. “This is where you can get your milk. Oat milk is my favorite, but the almond is an excellent choice too.”
I walked up and ordered my container before I placed it in my bag.
We continued our walk.
“How’s the reading?” he asked, walking with his hands behind his back.
“I returned all my books to the library and grabbed new ones.”
“Wow, you read quickly.”
“No…it’s just all I do.” I hadn’t made an effort to integrate with society because I’d been too sad to do so. The last conversation I’d had with Talon was heavy on my mind, even a week later. He didn’t say how much my words wounded him, but he didn’t have to…because they were written on his face.
“You’ll need to decide how you’re going to contribute to society,” he said. “Have you considered what I said?”
“About joining the army?”
Now that I was no longer fused with a dragon, I was unremarkable. I really had nothing to offer except for a couple moves Talon had taught me. “I think I would be better suited doing something else.”
He accepted my answer. “I’ll think of a few ideas for you.”
We continued our walk and then a soldier was visible down the path, wearing the dark green armor I’d seen my uncle wear in the forest. He ran straight for Commander Luxe beside me.
Luxe stopped, his hands still behind his back.
The soldier launched into a quick message, speaking in elvish, so I had no idea what he said. “Sor bien hurrengan pione nuiasence…”
Luxe’s entire body went still when he heard what the soldier said. When he responded, he spoke even faster, showing the severity of the situation. “Bian tureolo vixie frumauto.”
The soldier nodded then turned away. He didn’t walk—he ran.
“What’s happening?” I blurted. It was Talon, wasn’t it? He’d figured out where I was and would face me on the battlefield like he prophesized.
He retained his calm, but his eyes showed a distinct terror. “An army of ten thousand Behemoths march upon the forest.”
“What? What are Behemoths?”
“They’re large orcs, seven feet tall, three times your weight…”