Page 59 of The Dragon King
Inferno jumped from the ground, but he took flight much easier than Khazmuda, gliding forward rather than launching into the sky. He gently rose in elevation then flew low over the ground, taking me back to the south, where our cabin was located. He soared over the water before he landed on the open beach, making as gentle of a landing as he could. He folded his wings then lay on his belly so I could slide down and land on the soft sand.
I hadn’t felt earth this soft since the Arid Sands. A quick flashback came across my mind, remembering the sight of Khazmuda in the dark…and then the appearance of the Death King.
Khazmuda dropped down a moment later, and Talon hopped off his dragon and landed in the sand on steady feet. Despite the heavy armor he wore and the heat from the humidity, he seemed unaffected by the discomfort.
“We’ll speak to Queen Eldinar,” Talon said. “And let you know the plan.” We left the sand and made our way to hard ground before we walked down the path between the buildings. The birds were loud in the canopies of trees, the world such a vibrant color it made me squint. It was different from Riviana Star, but just as beautiful.
It was easy to distinguish Queen Eldinar’s royal chambers because they were the grandest and had the most guards. Four of them were posted outside the double doors and more along the surrounding deck, protecting her from no one on this secret island.
When we entered, Queen Eldinar had changed out of her white dress and now wore a green one with thin straps that exposed her shoulders, the hollow of her throat, and most of her chest. It was also a short dress rather than a long gown, and in her hair was a flower crown full of exotic flowers of pink and orange.
She could wear a sack covered in mud and still be the most beautiful woman in the room, but right now, she looked more god than mortal. She sat at a table with plates of fresh fruit that the guards had prepared for her.
Uncle Ezra sat with her, so transfixed by her appearance it took him a moment to acknowledge us. “Are your accommodations suitable?” He rose from the chair and addressed us with his hands behind his back.
“Yes,” Talon answered. “Thank you.”
“Take a seat,” Queen Eldinar said. “We’re all weary from our travels.”
“You’re right, so I’ll be brief,” Talon said. “I’d like you to introduce us to Macabre. I think meeting him in your presence will make him less guarded. Is that something you’re willing to do?”
“Of course. I’ve already informed him of your presence, so you won’t frighten the dragons with your unexpected appearance.”
“You spoke to him?” Talon asked, slightly perplexed.
“You forget that I also have the gift.” A slight smile moved into her lips. “Macabre felt my mind when we reached these shores. We treat each other as fellow monarchs, but throughout time, that relationship has deepened into a friendship.”
“And his reaction to our arrival?” I asked.
She paused for a long time, sitting straight in the chair without back support, her blond hair perfectly placed around her shoulders like someone had arranged it. “He was displeased. His hatred for humans is something that will persist for as long as he lives. But I gave him my word that you’re a friend to the elves as well as the dragons and you would never betray their location. I also informed him that you and Khazmuda are fused, and while he didn’t approve of that relationship, it did convince him that you truly are an ally to his cause—because no dragon would fuse with a human unless he loved him.”
Talon gave a nod in appreciation. “When can we approach him?”
“Tomorrow at sunset. It’s best to give Macabre time to accept your presence on the island. We’ll overwhelm him if weapproach too quickly. I also need time to recover from the journey. I do far better on land than at sea.”
I’d hardly seen her on the ship, but when I had, she’d looked as poised and refined as usual. If she had been fighting seasickness, she gave no signs. “You hide it well, Your Majesty.”
“A monarch can never appear weak,” she said. “That is my burden.”
“Then we’ll meet here tomorrow evening,” Talon said. “I hope you feel better tomorrow.”
She smiled slightly. “I’m sure I will, Death King. Enjoy your evening. The island is a beautiful place.”
Talon must have grown tired of his heavy uniform and armor because he left it in the closet and wore only his trousers. After we had dinner, we sat together on the beach and looked out at the gentle water. The sunset was on the other side of the island, but we could still see the sky change to faint colors of pink and orange. We sat that way for a long time, enjoying the view in comfortable silence, the birds growing quiet as the sun disappeared.
The waves were so small the water seemed more like a lake than the ocean. “The waves are so gentle.”
“It’s because of the reef.”
“The reef?”
He pointed out to sea. “It’s hard to see now that most of the light is gone, but there’s a coral reef that surrounds most of theisland. The elves must have picked this location to build their dock because there’s a break in the reef at the point. It catches most of the waves, so everything after that is gentle.”
“Where did you learn that?”
“Home,” he said. “We had reefs as well…”
I stared at the water, the light continuing to fade.