Page 18 of The Dragon Queen
“And burn everyone he loves first.”
“I like it.”
“His wife…his sons…his daughters…his grandchildren…his friends. All of them.”
“And he’ll watch every single one and listen to them fucking scream.” I stared at the canteen in my hand before I squeezed it, making my knuckles pop and go white. “And maybe I’ll let him live…just so he can suffer twenty years the way I have.”
Ethan turned quiet.
“So he can be haunted every single day of his fucking life until he stabs his dagger into his heart to make it end.”
He stared at the fire for a few more seconds before he turned to look at the side of my face.
I didn’t meet his look.
“I’m sorry for your loss…”
My eyes stayed on the flames, still hearing their screams even all these years later.
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you that.”
“It’s fine…a long time ago.”
“That kind of shit will always hurt. I hope your vengeance gives you the peace you deserve.”
I knew it wouldn’t, but I would do it anyway. “It’s not the desire for peace that fuels me. It’s the rage that’s burned inside me every single day since it happened. The flames started off low but have slowly risen through the years. Now, it’s an inferno. Time hasn’t dulled the blood lust. Only aged it like fine wine. I say it’s for them…but it’s for me.”
He looked forward again. “Your vengeance is coming, Talon.”
“And so is my demise.” I told him about Bahamut, the price I would have to pay once the task was completed.
“Does she know?”
I shook my head.
“And your dragon?”
That question somehow hurt more. I hesitated before I shook my head.
“So I’m the only person you’ve confided in.”
“No,” I said. “Queen Eldinar knows.”
“Didn’t realize you were so close.”
“We were…we are…it’s complicated.”
“Because of that guard dog of hers?”
“Then why is it complicated?”
I stared at the fire as the guilt piled up on my shoulders, becoming so heavy I wouldn’t be able to stand if I tried. “Bahamut said he would only let me go…if I offered her in my stead. I would have to sail her to his lands so he could take her to the underworld. She would never agree willingly, so I’d have to force her.”
Ethan said nothing, letting the conversation weigh upon us both heavily.