Page 12 of When Night Falls
“Pity. You do know some ofmylove life details, do you not? I was only interested in leveling the playing field.” I smirk, knowing damn well he doesn’t pry into my love life on purpose.
"How is the girl anyways? Do you think she'll be willing?" he asks, and I feel the pulse in my neck flicker at the mention ofher.
"No, I don't think she will be truly willing. At least not at first. And that's why it's taking longer than we all would like. I know with some convincing, she’ll come around and I think I know how to do just that." I try to keep my voice down so that others don’t try and pry on my confidential exchange with Zharus.
I look back down at the video surveillance. Seeing that the object of my forbidden desires is walking out of her bookstore now and rounding the corner of the old brick building to head to her apartment. There, she will find my invitation waiting for her, just like she finds the roses. And if she needs more convincing other than an invite to one of the most elusive and tempting parties this town has ever seen, I won't hesitate to do the honors.
"You know if you'd have just married the girl that-"
"Enough, Zharus!” I pound my fist a little too hard on the top of the table, creating a vibration that quakes the chandelier above. I notice Zharus doesn’t even quiver, or so much as react to my outburst. I’m sure he knows he’s the only one who can get away with testing my limits but that doesn’t mean I won’t fail at hiding my moments of anger from him.
I hate the subtle mention of my forced prospect. She’s a girl my father picked out for me and if I had not met Lucynda, I’d probably have married the inferior woman weeks ago. Again,no one knows of my agenda nor of my discovery of the tether connecting Lucynda and I. But I do plan to reveal my sweet sin, their soon-to-be queen, to the entire kingdom very soon, and I know just how to do it.
I click the tablet’s screen lock button to close out the videos and settle myself back down in my chair.
“Leave it to my father to be the only immortal royal to die by simply tripping over his own feet and accidently getting his head chopped off by the axe of a decorative, dormant knight." I roll my eyes at the irony of it all, seeing as it’s one of the only ways to kill a royal-blooded vampire—to sever their head.
Another way to kill a Royal is to drain them of their royal blood, bleeding them dry completely before ripping out their heart and burning their body. It could take days to enact that kind of demise—a great torture technique I do say so myself.
A normal Nocturne of non-royal blood has few, less complicated options that would lead to their death. Ripping their heart out without needing to burn it would suffice. Non-royal Nocturnes can’t enjoy sunlight freely, their bodies risk catching fire which is another way to make them suffer. A stake to the heart and forced starvation will also do.
There is no such thing as truly immortal. But I’m sure my father thought he’d live forever. However, he did have my betrothed lined up for me in case the day ever came. And it did. Something I haven’t yet openly admitted that I was not looking forward to.
"Just because Renard had chosen a wife for me does not mean I have to honor it. Besides, with Lucynda in play and soon, the kingdom will know of her existence, they’ll understand why I waited a little longer. I am going to enter this role my way, and I promise you . . . nothing will stand in the way of me becoming king." I mean those words, even if only to subdue the bloodlust and to maintain the reputation that lays before me. But mainly,to enact this greed for revenge that seethes inside me. No matter what, my trial period ends with me as their king.
"Of course you will, Sir. I didn't mean to show doubt in you. I just . . . this is all I know, and I wouldn't be a good Factotum, or friend, if I didn't show how much I care for the wellbeing of this kingdom." Zhar lets out a nervous breath, likely fearing he truly did rattle me, but I allowed myself that moment of aggression only to hide the hunger I feel pumping in my veins.
"Understood, Zhar. Now would you mind checking on Travois? I meant it when I said I don't believe anyone from Hollows could be responsible for betraying the treaty. But for good measure, I'd like eyes on my intolerable brother at all times. He’s always been envious of what I have, and I could see him devising a cause for chaos just to trip me up or make me look bad, even if it has nothing to do with the attacks.” I nod at Zharus as I push my chair back and turn to exit the room.
My reason to have Travois traced isn't entirely false, but it's not entirely truthful either. I have a feeling he’s up to something and I intend to know what.
"Yes, sir. And the girl?" he asks, and I take mental note of his persistence.
I pause in my exit of the great hall, swiping my thumb across my lower lip and acknowledging the pace my heart tends to beat whensheis the topic of conversation.
"I'll be seeing her later."
she who haunts me
TWO YEARS AGO - September 21st
It was a typical night on the cusp of fall; leaves changed into mesmerizing colors and the air shifted into a cool breeze as I drove into Valor Cove territory to acquire a certain vampire who couldn’t wait to get herself into trouble.
Troy was invited out to a party with some girls she knew—that girl has friends all over the world. And though invites into other societies aren’t entirely welcomed thanks to the treaty, occasionally the doors will open up for celebration of death days or coronations and such amongst friends and rivals alike, which allows for some of the greatest parties.
Once night falls, Nocturnes of all kinds have the right to travel outside of their compounds’ restrictions to do whatever they please, so long as they make it back before day breaks.
There are two options for main transportation for Nocturnes. Travel by traditional motorized vehicles or public transportation, ormanifestation. Any vampire canmanifestits being into a place they desire to be, the only hindrance to that is if they are not in the right state of mind. We need to have full awareness in order to harness the ability to control ourselves so that we may conveniently and quickly peregrinate to the places we desire. Then, we can go almost anywhere with the illusion of an apparition, suddenly appearing and disappearing whenever and wherever we wish—like that of a ghost.
Vampires can also become intoxicated. However, consumption of alcohol would need to be significantly greater than that of an Outsider. It’s safe to say that on that particular night, Troy was definitely not in her right mind, having drank far too much—a complex she enjoys showing off. Because of that, I found myself driving into a foreign town like a gentleman of a man I pretend to be.
I made my way through the mediocre house party and secured Troy who was locked up in a bathroom with some random guy. The urge to not rip his head off was strong but I didn’t feel like leaving a crime scene behind me so I grabbed my sister and took off.
As I made my drive back, thumps of the bassy music faded out as I disappeared down the road. But it soon got lost to the sound of someone screaming nearby. Normally, if I'm not the one causing the shrieks of terror, I tend to mind my own business. But this kind of blood curdling alarm sent chills down my spine; something that rang in recognition in my own head.The kind that grips your insides and pulls you tight until you feel like you can't breathe.