Page 105 of The Grand Duel
I sit up a little when I find him fresh from a shower and in an immaculate cream suit. “You—” I cut myself off, not knowingwhy I’d say what I was about to say. His top button is undone, no tie in sight. Just the tease of his neck and chest against a crisp white shirt. “Where are you going?” I ask instead, internally fighting the infatuation I have with the man.
He’s beautiful.
Ridiculously so.
“I have a meeting planned, and then I’ll be going to the panel.”
I swing my legs over the chair. “Oh, I didn’t realise you’d be leaving so early.” Three hours early.Shit. “I’ll go?—”
“Lissie,” he says, catching my wrist as he stands. I turn, not meaning to end up so close to him.
He looks down at the minimal space between us and steps back, his eyes fluttering a little before he clears his throat. “I want you to stay here.”
I let out a sigh of relief, knowing I won’t fight him on it. “Are you sure? If you text when you’re done, I’ll meet you downstairs in time for the panel.”
He shakes his head. “I don’t need you to attend any of the panels.”
“What do you mean? That’s the reason I came. To take notes.”
“And I changed my mind. Instead, you can stay here and get caught up on rest. Order from the room service. Have a couple cocktails or something. They have a spa, don’t they?”
My mouth drops open. “I can’t not work. You expect me to come away on a work trip and sleep?”
“You do a good enough job of it in my office and plane.”
“Charles!” I say, pushing his chest.
He grabs my hand, holding it for a second before letting it go.
He clears his throat. “Just…rest. For a little while.” His frown is as perplexed as I am. “Please, Lissie? You clearly need it.”
He backs away before turning to walk inside and through the main living space.
“What about taking notes?” I call out as I rush to catch up.
He looks over his shoulder and smiles. “I’ll be back by three thirty.”
Two hours later…
The panel is running a little behind. I’ll be back at four instead.
Also, would sleeping beauty like to attend the charity gala with me tonight?
Charles Aldridge
Charles Aldridge Ltd
I sit up on the lounger and smile, my body feeling heavy and relaxed from my nap.
Thank you for letting me know - x
Sleeping beauty didn’t bring a dress suitable for such an event…what time does it start?