Page 145 of The Grand Duel
“Thank you, Lissie. I have no idea what happened,” Edna says to my back.
“She hates being stuck in that room,” I snap, my emotions getting the better of me. “Sorry, Ed. I know they are well looked after and loved, but Luna hates it.”
“I know. I think this will be a lesson learned.”
I think back to the meeting I had on Thursday, the ridiculous, silly decision I made not seeming so ridiculous and silly now. I kiss the top of Luna’s soft head. “I’ll keep you up to date with what happens.”
Scott picks me up fifteen minutes later, and we drive out to the vet.
I’m only waiting a few minutes before Pippa takes Luna through to be assessed. “It’s a deep cut. It’s not her pad that’s torn but the skin between. We’ll need to give her a light sedation to stitch it.”
“Okay.” I nod. “What can I do?”
“We’ll need consent from Mr Aldridge to go ahead with treatment as Luna and Daisy are registered with him. But once that’s done, we can go ahead, and you’re welcome to stay with her until she’s sedated.” She leans in and smooths down Luna’s head. “I’ll see if I can get Charlie on the phone now.”
I watch her leave and then focus back on Luna, her eyes droopy and sad as if she knows exactly what’s going to happen to her. I drop my head to hers. “Do all the vets call him Charlie?” I mutter against her fur.
Pippa comes back a little while later and tells me thatCharliehas consented to treatment and that she’ll be putting Luna under sedation once they’ve taken some blood. It’s a painless procedure for Luna, but that doesn’t stop my heart from going a mile a minute the second they pull out the needle.
I hold her as they take the tests and don’t let her go until an hour later when the sedative is fully in effect and she is limp in my arms. I gently slip out from under her and reluctantly leave the room.
Thankfully, Pippa reappears around thirty minutes later. “She’s in with the technician now. She did really well.”
I sit forward. “It’s done?”
“Yep. She was a trooper. She’ll be out back for a couple hours whilst the sedation wears off. You’re welcome to stay but it really will be a while, and you’ve been here for hours already. Can I get you a taxi booked?”
“No, but thank you,” I tell her. “I’ll wait for her to wake up properly.”
She smiles. “I thought you might. How about a drink?”
I ask for a cup of tea and then sit, knee bouncing as I watch the clock. When four thirty rolls around and no one has been to see me, I make my way over to the reception desk. “Hi, sorry, could I please get an update on Luna? The cocker spaniel.”
The lady gives me a warm smile. “Let me go and check for you.”
A few minutes later, Pippa comes through the door. “Lissie,” she says, waiting for me.
I grab my bag and follow her. “Is she okay?”
“She’s doing great. She just did a little lap around the kennels with Neil.”
She pushes open the door we first entered in through and instantly Luna’s tail starts. “Hi, baby,” I croon, stepping towards her with burning eyes. My heart drops when she starts limping towards me. “Oh, Lu.”
I rub her ears, her legs swaying slightly as she backs into me and then sits on my feet.
“She’ll be unsteady for a while. Let her rest as much as possible tonight.”
I look up at Pippa. “Thank you.”
“If you stop at reception, I’ve put in some—” She cuts herself off when the door opens behind me, her eyes lighting up. “Charlie. That’s good timing.”
I turn and come face-to-face with him.
The lump in my throat from seeing Luna instantly thickens at the harsh reality of the man standing in front of me.
His eyes burn into me, lingering entirely too long before he drops them to Luna. “What have you been up to, pup?” he says, voice gruff and making my heart ache.
She shuffles to him, her entire back end wagging.