Page 158 of The Grand Duel
I put my hands on my head as she walks into the lift, my gut twisted up in knots. “I don’t know what’s the right thing to say.”
She flashes a sad smile and shrugs. “Then maybe don’t say anything.”
Imake my way into my office with little to no confidence that my day will go the way I need it to. We should wrap up the case today, and based on the way yesterday went, I can’t see the jury siding with my client.
I also don’t expect Lissie to be in the office, but she continues to shock me.
She doesn’t spot me right away, her hair pulled back in a ponytail and her face carefully painted with makeup.
She’s wearing a black suit, which feels harsh on her, regardless of how incredible she looks in it.
“Charles,” Edna sings, unknowingly making Lissie aware that I’m here. “Feeling ready for today?”
Lissie looks up at me, her face barely flinching. Barely, but just.
“Never, Ed,” I say, my eyes glued to Lissie. “Lissie, could I borrow you a minute, I?—”
“Of course.” She stands and walks down the corridor to my office.
I follow, my gaze eating up the back of her.
Once inside, I close the door and face her. She folds her arms, keeping her shoulders straight.
“I didn’t expect you to be here today,” I say.
“It’s my job.”
I watch her like a bird might its prey, terrified that she’ll disappear at any minute, not quite understanding her. “You could have taken some time.”
“I wouldn’t let Edna or you down. You have your last day in court today. Are you okay?”
I nod. “We’re supposed to be meeting at Macca’s at twelve…” I trail off at the look on her face.
“Ice cream?” she asks, her eyes flaring.
There’s a knock at the door and then Edna pokes her head inside. “Scott’s here, darling.”
“I can drive myself today,” I tell her.
“But he’s already here.”
I close my eyes and will calm into my veins.
“Charles,” Lissie says, and my eyes drop to hers. They burn through me, like an anchor searching for something to cling on to in the middle of a stormy sea. “I really hope the case goes well today.” She gives me a semblance of a smile, one that’s supposed to reassure me but doesn’t. Not when deep down, I know she’s hurting.
She passes me, leaving the office.
“Everything okay?” Edna asks, watching me.
I’m not sure I could fuck this up any more than I already have.
I look up at Edna and nod.