Page 197 of The Grand Duel
“I will if you look at me.”
“It’s Charlie.”
I hear the shower cut out and then the door closing.
I consider putting down the towel and leaving, but that would mean looking for a good spot, and I’m quite happy just staring at the tiles, honestly.
I hear her near, know she’s nearing, and my body reacts, burning. I close my eyes, squeezing them tight.
“Charlie boy,” she corrects.
“Lis,” I warn, swallowing. “I…” Fuck.
“You’ve seen me naked before. You know my body whilst it’s at its most vulnerable.” She reaches out and takes my hand, linking our fingers. “I’m giving you the option to see my body in a different light of day. Not under the haze of the club, but here, inmysafe space.” She leans in and kisses my cheek, her body pressing up against my front, making my knees lock. “If, and only if it’s with certainty, that’s something you want.”
I frown, my hand squeezing hers. “Of course it’s what I want.”
“Then open your eyes and be greedy with me. And trust me not to need more than what you choose to give me.”
My eyes peel open, and I fight against the steam in the room as I try to find focus. Lissie is smiling up at me, her eyes soft and warm, the intensity I sometimes see there missing.
She lets go of my hand and slowly steps back, her movements effortless, not made to be sexy or inviting but to simply put space between us.
We stare into one another’s eyes as my heart riles on a million miles a minute.
“This okay?” she asks.
“Lissie…” I shake my head, knowing my eyes will drop any second.
And they do.
Lissie stands with her hands relaxed at her sides, her hair wet and pulled back behind her shoulders, leaving her breasts bared. Her nipples are hardened, the fullness of the heavy globes making her waist taper inward. My lips part as I suck in a breath, my body reacting to hers in a way that feels dangerous.
I’ve never allowed myself to be tempted like this.
Never had a woman I’ve wanted to tempt me.
My eyes drop lower, her stomach streaked with water droplets.
I shake my head. “Fuck, you’re perfect, Lis.”
I flick my eyes up when I sense her smile, but drop them again instantly, my smile not fought but lost to the woman and what she’s trying to do for me.
I let my eyes roam down her stomach, hips, unable to stop. I clench my jaw as my gaze falls to her pussy.
She’s right, I have seen her body before, but not like this.
She steps forward and my eyes flare, the want I have for her only growing. When she reaches for her towel in my right hand, I realise that she’s not stepping closer for more and release it.
She keeps her eyes on me, wrapping it under her arms and tucking it in.
Once she’s covered, she steps into me and slips her arms around my waist. “If I stood there too much longer, my nipples would fall off.”
I chuckle, circling my arms around her and smoothing them up her back. I breathe her in, her shampoo, and then close my eyes, remembering each curve.