Page 201 of The Grand Duel
Charles simply cocks his head at him, and he nods, heading down the corridor.
I bite my lip as I stare up at the man in the doorway, his face hard as he stares off in the direction Ollie went.
When he finally looks down at me, he says nothing before walking to the elevator at the other end of the floor.
With the heat of a thousand wildfires burning at my feet, I follow him.
When we exit out of headquarters five minutes later, the pavement bustling with people, he stops amidst it all and looks across at me, his eyes continuing a conversation we should have someplace else but can’t. Or he can’t. I probably shouldn’t be able to understand the way his eyes fix and then soften, the need in them. But I do. Like my favourite song. The way the sun waits all day for the moon and the sky holds the stars. It’s an unwritten understanding. One I think Charlie and I might be learning.
As we exist.
“You don’t have a long lunch booked today, Mr Aldridge,” I tell him through the passing crowd. “Thirty minutes, and you’re meeting?—”
My heart kicks and thuds as he steps forward through the sea of people. “I don’t need thirty minutes.” He takes my hand and pulls me down the street.
I look up at him as we walk, my lips pursed. “What about Scott?”
“Fuck Scott.”
I laugh and link our fingers properly. “Do you know where you’re going?”
He looks down at me and frowns.
I have to speed walk to keep up with his long strides, my insides a mess with anticipation. When we reach Macca’s Parlour, I come to a stop.
“Oh, you want ice cream?”
He turns his back on the shop, briefly looking over my shoulder before leaning down to my ear. “No, Lissie, I want you. Ever since you stood in front of me dripping wet last night—long before that, even. Ever since our first night, I’ve needed you more than the air I breathe.”
I swallow and ease back, flicking my eyes up to his.
“But you deserve to be savoured, and I can’t do that in my office or car.”
My eyes widen, hope blooming in my stomach. “But you want that? Now?”
His eyes dart around my face, the realisation making his brow flicker, as if he was too far gone to even realise. “I do.”
I roll my lips to ease my smile. “Okay.” I stretch up onto my tiptoes and gently kiss his cheek, pretending that his admission hasn’t just made my heart flip. “So…ice cream?” I check my watch. “To take away.”
He swallows, eyes still dark, the shadows in them calling to something deep down in my stomach. An ache it knows how to smother.
He nods, and I turn to walk into the shop, but he catches my arm, bringing me into his chest. “Are you working tonight?”
The desire still swimming in his eyes makes my knees weak.
Being this close to him makes my knees weak.
“Why? Are you going to go to the club?” I add playfully.
He gives me a look.
I smile. “Why, Charles?”
“I had builders in to sort the back porch at the cottage. I wanted to show you. I was hoping you’d help me pick out some paint for?—”