Page 23 of The Grand Duel
He finds what he’s looking for and turns back towards me. “White lace?”
I smile, a little adrenaline-rushed as I take the lace thong. “Fuck, I’m scared. Why will he want to get to know me?”
“It’s just the way he’s always been.”
“It sounds awkward. Why can’t we just get on with it?”
He pauses his search. “You do realise he’s the most favoured amongst the girlsbecausehe talks to them before and after. Genuinely, too.”
“No, it’s weird.” I check the tag on the underwear and find they’re my exact size.
When he doesn’t reply, I look up. “You’re weird,” he tells me.
“Can you speak to him if you know him?”
“No,” he deadpans. “And say what? I don’tknowhim know him.”
“That I’m new…” I look up through my lashes at him. “Please, Christian. Say something like…that I’m untouched by anyone else here and would like to meet him in the private rooms instead tonight. Iona said she uses the private rooms sometimes when she’s not feeling it.”
He holds my eyes. “You don’t have to do this, Lissie.”
“I want to. I do. It’s just new. And between me and you, I’m shitting it.”
“Where is she?” I know it’s Iona’s voice before she steps around the wall. She’s been upstairs for over an hour, and I know she’s now done for the night. “You got cop boy.”
My eyes widen, and I turn back to Christian. “He’s a policeman?”
He rolls his eyes. “I go out of my way not to know their business.”
“Oh, a policeman, fucking gorgeous, the list goes on,” Iona continues. “I’ve never been there myself—he’s a sucker for a brunette—but many have, and let me tell you, I’m extremely jealous.”
“I’m scared,” I tell her.
“Understandably. Bron asked me to check in and give you this. She said to take your time reading it over.” She hands me an envelope and looks at Christian, smiling. “Where we at?”
He holds up the matching bra to the thong.
“Love.” She takes it from him, snapping off the tags. “Now the nerves, they aren’t good for anybody. Have you had your one?”
“No,” Christian answers before I can.
I eye him, but he doesn’t meet my gaze.
“Good. Let’s get something strong in you. It will ease the nerves.”
“I’ll go,” Christian says, leaving us.
I pull open the envelope and start to read over the contract as Iona pulls creams and makeup from a drawer.
My eyes scan the text, immediately drawn to the activities section of the agreement.
Full body touching
Kissing with insertion of tongue
Digital penetration (receiving)
Digital penetration (giving)