Page 256 of The Grand Duel
“No.” I chuckle. “It was all really sappy.”
“It was.” Nina smiles, rubbing her belly. “Between us girls, that singular glass of prosecco really went to my head. I had to go outside for some fresh air.”
“What…that wasn’t…” Lucy snorts another laugh. “It was no-secco.”
Nina’s face drops. “What?”
“Alcohol-free, babe.” She rubs her arm. “I’m sorry.”
“Did you actually feel pissed?” Scarlet asks, laughing.
She looks between us. “Not pissed. But I definitely felt something.”
I cringe playfully at her. “Maybe the bubbles.”
“Fuck off.”
We all laugh, and I reach up, rubbing at my head as it starts to ache.
Lucy isn’t sure she’s laughed like this in months, but I’ve never laughed like this in my life. Not with a group of girls in such an open and almost childish way. There’s no judgement. I could say absolutely anything in this moment, and they’d eitherfind a way to relate or simply find a way to make it light and silly. It’s perfect.
I don’t think they even realise it.
“I know that Sundays belong to you Lowells,” I say, looking between Nina and Scarlet. “But would you all like to come over to the cottage on Saturday night? I could make some cocktails—and mocktails.” I look at Nina, watching as her smile grows. “And we could order in some food, or I can cook.”
I hold my hands together in my lap as I wait, my nerves shot now I’ve put it out there.
“Is that even a question?” Lucy replies.
Scarlet smiles across the table at me.
“Sounds perfect, Lissie,” Nina tells me, quickly squeezing my hand under the table. She lets go when I relax my hands. “Scar, tell the girls your plan for the memorial ball this year.”
I head back to the office with the biggest skip in my step, something inside of me, which I never knew existed until recently, feeling topped up.
I push inside of Charles Aldridge with a smile on my face, heading for my office.
I stop and step back as Edna walks from her office.
“Hey, Ed.”
She beams at me. “Oh, well, I’ve missed that.”
“Missed what?” I ask.
“That.” She gestures at me. “That beautiful smile.”
I think I might be blushing.
She purses her lips, seeming pleased. “Could you check your diary for me, love. Mine seems to be down, and I’m not sure where Charles will be at three. I could do with letting Thomas Wakefield know.”
I pull out my phone and check the online diary, but it doesn’t load. “Mine’s not working either.”
I quickly send a text to Charlie.
Where are you?