Page 308 of The Grand Duel
Mason, Nina, Elliot, Lucy, Lance, Scarlet, Megan, Stan, and all of the children. Although they managed to convince Vinny to take them to the beach after dinner, and haven’t returned since.
I look down when the warmth of a hand curls around mine, my eyes falling on my beautiful wife.
Lissie Aldridge is the woman I never dared to dream of. Someone I never expected—never wanted, in honesty—and someone I could now never be without.
I always knew she wasn’t like anyone I’d ever met, yet she’s spent the past eight years of our relationship showing me exactly who she is.
A district judge under the Magistrates courts, my Lissie girl, under the appointment of the king, on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor, realised her dreams. Chased them down amid her mother’s illness and ensured she’d make it.
She found peace with her mother in the final years of her illness, reconnecting with her parents. And whilst she isn’t in contact with her dad now, I know she loves him. Deep down, in that beautifully wicked heart of hers, he holds space I’ll never be able to fill.
Elton House is now a children’s care home, established and funded by Lissie herself.
“Did I tell you that you look utterly beautiful tonight, baby?”
Her lips twist as she leans in and kisses my mouth. “You did. You were a little distracted at the time.”
“Did I happen to be on my knees?”
“You did.”
I grin, kissing her gently. “I remember now,” I whisper. “Probably should get an early night tonight.”
She chuckles, standing from her seat and moving to sit on my lap. Her arm goes around my neck, and I slide my hands around her body. “We’ve been first to bed all week. We’re here with our friends.”
“They don’t care,” I say, gesturing at where our friends sit around the dinner table. “You know how I feel about sharing you.”
She nods, as if only agreeing to appease me. “I know, Charles. I hate sharing you, too.”
I smooth my hand down her calf, my lips teasing her neck. “So we can get an early night?”
I groan, and she smiles against my cheek before kissing it.
“But we can have a really, really late one. And then tomorrow”—she slips her hand into my shirt, her eyes locked on mine—“we can wake up slow. We’ll lock the doors so the kids can’t find us. You can have me all to yourself, baby.”
“How about tomorrow we don’t leave the room,” I whisper into her ear, my cock hardening at the thought. “At all.”
“Now you’re making me want an early night,” she hums, kissing me.
Then my work here is just about done. “Lissie girl,” I tut. “Do I need to teach you to share your toys?”
The sound of crystal being tapped infiltrates my plan, her laughter. “Alright, quiet down.”
Lissie looks towards Mason, but I don’t. Can’t. My eyes stay on her, my nose dusting her cheek.
“Who put you in charge, Lowell,” Elliot quips.
“He’s thebossman, isn’t he?” Lance adds, and I inch my head back, watching as Lance smirks across the table at his brother-in-law, Scarlet slotted in under his arm.
“I just wanted to thank you all.Assholes.”
“Sorry, Mase, go on,” Elliot tells him, sitting back in the seat.
Mason shakes his head, sighing. “I just wanted to thank you all,” he repeats. “It’s been the best week, and I don’t think the idea of leaving this place has ever felt quite this heavy.” He pauses, looking around at us all. “I know we’ll come back here for years to come and live a million more memories together, but tonight, whilst we’re allfinallypresent, I want to mark it. Lance, you missed so much when you were gone, and yet this week, it’s been as if you were never absent, and I think that’s a testament to you and the man you are. The way you’ve spent these last few years working to make sure that you can sit here at this table and smile along with us. There’s no better man for the role you take on in this life. In this group. And without getting too fucking drippy, I’m proud of you.”
Lissie drops her head to the side of my face, her hand wiping a tear from her cheek.