Page 77 of Devil's Queen
Wolff laughs. “Look at you. A spitting image of your addict, useless father. I used to think you’d take after your whore mother but looks like you didn’t fall far from your father’s tree.” He rubs his thumb across his jawline. “Though your mother does still look pretty good for her age. Maybe I’ll make an honest woman out of her after all these years.”
Rem’s voice drops to a dangerous growl as she steps forward, eyes blazing with fury. “Don’t you dare lay a finger on my mother.” She snarls, baring her teeth in a predatory sneer. “You don’t deserve to breathe near her or the children.”
Wolff lets out an exaggerated whistle. “She’s stunning when she’s angry, Rex. Is she like that when you’re fucking her? Does she submit or does she fight back? I like it when they fight. Makes it more fun.” He rakes his gaze over her body. “Maybe I should fuck her and find out for myself.”
“I’d rather fuck a cactus with a urinary tract infection.”
I step forward, positioning myself between Rem and Wolff. I can feel the weight of his gaze on me as he studies my every move. If he even moves toward her, he’ll have to go through me first. I could live with losing my life to protect her. I can’t live in a world without her in it.
“So protective of the little bitch, aren’t you?” Wolff raises an eyebrow, a smug smile playing on his lips as he leans back in his chair. “As fun as this little conversation has been, it’s time we get down to business. We need to talk, all three of us. About how you’ll be signing over not only the shop to me, but how you, Rex, will be walking away frommyclub.”
Rem’s eyes meet mine for a fleeting moment, a silent message passing between us, unspoken words carrying the weight of a thousand promises.
“I’m not giving you shit until I see my kids,” I demand. “You want something from us. You give us what we want.”
Wolff smirks, his eyes never leaving mine as he responds, “That’s not how this works, Rex. You might have balls, but I have something entirely more valuable to you. She signs over the shop, and you agree to leave my club, and I’ll make sure you see your children alive.”
My heart races, but I know I can’t back down now. I look over at her for reassurance. She meets my gaze with a fierce determination that fuels my resolve.
“You either give us our kids and my mother, or it’s a war you won’t win,” Rem orders.
“With what army, bitch? You and your little girl gang? You can’t actually think that you have a chance against me.” His eyes widen as he flicks his gaze between the two of us. “You do, don’t you? Let me make myself perfectly clear. I have more of this city in my pocket than you could dream of. The police? Mine. Government? Mine too. The only pieces I am missing are this club and your shop. By all means, fire the first shot and start the war. I get what I want either way.”
His words send a chill down my spine, but he doesn’t seem to notice the difference in my demeanor. “It’s just the two of you and your little club outside.”
Shock must register on Rem’s face because Wolff grins wider. “You must think I am an idiot to know that you two would come here by yourselves.”
“If you kill us, you won’t leave here alive. My club will see to that.”
“No, they won’t.” Wolff lifts a finger, pointing behind us. Monitors to the security system flicker between the cameras before stilling on a chilling image. The sight of all of Rem’s club rounded up in a circle and bound at the hands.”
“You see, I have all your allies right where I want them. And if you think you have any chance of walking out of here alive, you’re sorely mistaken. You’re pawns, both of you. A tiny, insignificant piece in a grand game I’m playing. And I win, whether you like it or not. Hand over your shop, and I’ll let you and your children go. Your mother will remain untouched. But if you refuse? Let me paint you a picture. You’ll lose everything… the shop, the club, and your family.”
She glares at Wolff, her voice gravelly with anger. “You aren’t going to win this, Wolff.”
Wolff laughs, leaning back in his chair. “I’ve won already, but I’m a reasonable man. You want to see your kids? Fine. Bring them.”
One of the side doors to the outside opens wide. Beaux appears first, grasping Birdie’s hand as they’re shoved into the meeting room. He puts her behind him, blocking her from Wolff. Ameline comes in next. Congealed blood coats one side of her face. The front of her shirt is soaked, as are her hands.
“What the fuck did you do to my mother, you piece of shit?” Rem snarls.
“Your mother’s injuries were a product of her own actions, trying to protect Pike. It’s not my fault she’s reckless.” Wolff sneers.
“I’ll kill you for what you’ve done to her.”
I can see the satisfaction on Wolff’s face as he watches Rem losing her cool. This is what he wants. He wants us to be reckless. “Or you can sign over the shop. Think about your children, Rex. I have them right here. One little signature from her, and you can have your family back.”
Beaux and Birdie both flinch at Wolff’s words, their fear palpable in the silence that ensues. Ameline’s eyes dart between all of us, the terror etched into her face, pleading for help.
“She’s had her fun, Rex,” Wolff continues. “You need to make a decision. You need to choose what’s best for your family.”
“Like you know what’s best for my fucking family?” I can’t help but snap, my voice echoing through the room.
Wolff shrugs, leaning back in his chair as though this were all a game. “I’ve made my offer. It’s up to you to decide if you want to keep playing or if you want to lose everything.”
Rem’s eyes are narrowed, her fists clenched, and her teeth grind together. I can see her resolve and determination to protect our family no matter what it takes.
“Do it, Rem.”