Page 19 of With This Lie
That’s where the bitch lives?! Fucking two doors over? What the fuck?
I watch intently from a shadowed area across the road. I can only tell it’s her from her blonde hair until I look down. I’d know that ass anywhere. Who the fuck is that with her? I can barely see the guy and his back is toward me almost the entire time. I can’t see shit from here. Since when does a bitch blow me off and then take some dude home? She never even took me to her place. She said it was a rule. What the hell?
I watch them walk up the stairs and pause as she opens the door. They go in and I wait, looking at the windows. A few seconds later, the lights in a third-floor apartment come on and I know that one is hers.
She’ll pay for this. I don’t get like this. She’ll pay for sacking me in the groin. I iced my junk for half an hour before I could move. Fucking bitch. I sit there, staring at the lights on in the window. They’re probably fucking by now. That’s all she’s good for anyway. I take a shot from my flask and stick it back in my pocket.
I have to wait for a better time. I can’t do anything now. I had it all planned out and this asshole ruined it. But the time will come. I’ll get her alone again. I can be a patient man.
I’ll get her.