Page 38 of With This Lie
“Okay, challenge accepted. I’m now in pursuit of the best, most perfect birthday gift,” he says.
“You don’t have to do that,” I say.
“Oh yes, I do, Dani. I do,” he says, pulling my chin up to look me in the eyes. He kisses me softly.
“I guess you should start thinking about going to work,” I say, biting my bottom lip where the feel of his kiss is still lingering.
“Actually, I think I’d rather call in and take you on a day date. If you want?” he asks.
“Definitely,” he says.
“Okay,” I say, smiling.
“All right, I’m going to run home and change my clothes. You get ready, okay? I’ll only be like half an hour,” he says, getting up from the closet and getting dressed.
“Perfect,” I say.
He kisses me at the door and walks out. I turn back to my bedroom to find something to wear. Without knowing where we are going, picking clothes might be a challenge but day dates are generally casual. I pull out some skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I’ll wear my boots as always. I start getting ready and think about how kind Lucas had been to me this morning.
If I’m being honest, Lucas is starting to scare me. Not him, but his presence. The way he makes me feel. In our short time together so far, I always find myself looking forward to more. I think forward to my party. It will be nice to have him there. The friends I do have, they’ve never seen me with anyone. Quinn would be really surprised, considering I would never let her set me up.
After dressing and putting on some make-up, I turn my attention to cleaning the apartment. I need to distract myself from my distraction, if that makes sense. I need to think of anything other than Lucas. I need to think about something other than the fact that I wish he wasn’t married. This isn’t like me. The entire stream of thoughts I’m having are dangerous and strange. My mother’s words echo in my head.
Be careful. You like him.
They’re always going to hurt you.
They’re never going to want you like you want them.
It’s what they do. It’s who they are. You can’t change a cheater’s nature.
Great. He’ll be back any minute and my mind is heavy with wishing for the impossible.
I hear a knock at the door. Time for that day date.