Page 40 of With This Lie
We wander through tube corridors and watch colorful fish swimming all around us until we get to the shark area and stop for a little while longer.
“This is by far one of the better tanks,” I say, my eyes wide.
“I agree,” he says.
I watch him as he watches a large shark swim over his head. The wonder of this place isn’t just for children. We walk into the next area and it grows darker. Large tanks of bright jellyfish are all around. The lighting highlights all their tiny little features and for a second, I almost think about switching my earlier answer.
“Dani, this way,” he says, holding his hand out to me.
We enter another dark room and there it is. A giant octopus is in a large tank in the center of the floor, stretching its tentacles outward toward the glass. I pause for a moment in shock before running up to the glass. I stand in awe, watching the majestic creature slink and glide through the water. I feel Lucas wrap his arm around my waist and pull me into him.
“Lucas, this is amazing,” I say.
He kisses me on my temple, and I brush my hand across the hair on his jawline.
“I’m glad you like it,” he says.
“I really do,” I say.
We stand there watching the octopus for several more minutes before moving on to the next exhibits.
“Are you hungry?” Lucas asks, gesturing toward the café that’s mid-way through the exhibits.
“Yeah, I could eat,” I say.
We go through line and grab some turkey and swiss wraps, chips, and drinks. We find an unoccupied table near the corner and take a seat.
“So, I take it this will go down in your book as a good date?” Lucas asks.
“Well, I don’t have a lot to compare it to, to be honest. I don’t go on a lot of dates. But, of the few I’ve been on, this is by far the best one,” I answer.
Lucas sits back, studying my face. “I just can’t believe you haven’t been on that many dates. Who wouldn’t want to take you out?”
“Well, it’s a combination of things really. One being that I don’t accept many dates.”
“Now I feel special,” he says, putting his hand across his heart.
“You should,” I say, laughing. I take another bite of my wrap and I hear him open his chips. The smile on his lips never leaves though.
We spend a few minutes eating in silence and clean up our trash.
“Ready to see the rest?” he asks.
“Definitely,” I say.
We walk over to the section of the exhibits where you can stick your hand down into the water and pet different crustaceans.
“No way am I sticking my hand in there,” Lucas says. He crosses his arms in front of him while I am elbow deep in the first tank.
“Oh, come on, they feel so cool!” I say, trying my best to convince him.
“Nope. No thank you,” he says.
“Not even for a crisp hundred-dollar bill?” I push my bottom lip out and start pouting. “How about for a kiss?”
“Don’t do that,” he says.
“Do what?” I ask, pushing my lip out again.