Page 62 of With This Lie
“I’m so glad you could make it. It’s been what, like eight years?” Lucas says, turning toward Mark but keeping his arm around me.
I zone out a little.
“I hardly recognized you, honestly,” Mark says to Lucas. “If I saw you on the street, I might not even know who you are. When did you cut all your hair off?” He takes a sip of his beer.
“It’s been a few years now,” Lucas says.
Something about how he’s speaking creeps me out more than normal. Mark was always a creepy guy, but something is extra off about him right now.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go to the restroom,” I say, loosening myself from Lucas’ arm and smiling before stepping away from them. I need to walk away and think for a second.
Fuck, should I tell him? Mark is clearly fine not saying anything. But Mark is also the type that may actually be telling him right now after I’ve walked away just to be an asshole. I look back over my shoulder and they don’t appear to be talking about anything serious so I seem safe enough for the moment.
I push the door to the bathroom open and walk all the way to the last stall. I lock it behind me and lean against the door, exhaling for what seems like the first time since I saw Mark’s face.
What the fuck am I going to do?