Page 20 of One More Chance
Jensen textedme when they were on their way back from the music shop. So I’m on the porch, sitting in the swing and tapping my foot. I’m tapping my foot to keep from wringing my hands, although I’m not sure one nervous habit is better than another.
A million thoughts have popped into my head today. Where are we going? What are we doing? What do I need to wear to be prepared? Do I need to bring anything? All excellent questions. All unanswered by Jensen.
Gentry’s truck comes into view down the driveway and I fight the urge to stand. If I stand, I’ll definitely start wringing my hands. The ding of the dating app sounds and I turn the ringer off, opting for vibration only. I don’t need everyone around me to know exactly when people are messaging me.
Gentry and Jensen exit the truck, a new guitar case in Jensen’s hands.
“Did you find what you were looking for?” I ask.
“Sure did,” he says, smiling.
“He listened to the song in the truck, too. Doesn’t seem to be worried about learning it by next week,” Gentry says.
“That’s good,” I offer.
“Ready to go?” Jensen asks me.
“I don’t know. Am I dressed okay?” I ask.
Jensen looks down, realizing I’m in a sundress and flipflops. “Okay, your sister did you the favor of packing your overnight bag, but that won’t work. Go dress like you’re going hiking.”
“Overnight bag?” I ask. “We’ve got the luncheon tomorrow. I can’t go somewhere overnight.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve cleared it with Lyla. We’ll be back in plenty of time, and she’s already approved it,” he says.
I curse my sister, wherever she might be at the moment. She’s probably lying low on purpose because she knew how I’d react to this. I huff out a sigh, and Gentry looks from Jensen to me and back to Jensen, pressing his lips together and smirking. I don’t like that. Not at all.
I run upstairs and search my room for appropriate hiking attire. Considering I haven’t been hiking in ages and there’s no fucking mountains around here, my leggings, sports bra, a flannel shirt over it, and my tennis shoes will have to do. I look ridiculous, but when I get back out to the porch, Jensen is in the driver’s seat of Gentry’s truck.
“Wow, you make flannel look adorable,” he says.
I want to face palm. I can’t tell if he’s joking or being serious.
As if reading my mind, he says, “I’m serious.”
“Oh, thank you.” I jump into the passenger seat of the truck and realize for the first time that either Jensen’s borrowed some of Gentry’s clothes or recently bought some of his own. Instead of his signature tight jeans, he’s in relaxed fit cargo pants. He’s in a plain white T-shirt with a flannel shirt thrown over it as well.
Are we actually fucking matching right now? Are we for real going hiking?
“So, where are we going?” I ask, eager to kill the suspense. I’m terrible at surprises.
“Camping, of course,” he says.
“What? Really?” My brain is having a hard time processing what he’s saying.
“Yeah, really. I worked everything out. All the gear is in the back. I borrowed it from Gentry and Lyla. They were eager to help,” he says.
I bet they fucking were. Especially Lyla. Her words ring in my head. He’s single, you know. Yeah, single and perfect and not interested in me.
Let’s fake date, he says.
Swell.I attract people who pity me and want to fake date me to teach me how to real date. Awesome.
“Camping where?” I ask, to shut my own thoughts up.
“Now that’s a surprise.” Jensen pulls the truck out onto the road in the opposite direction of town, which piques my interest even more. There isn’t much out this way other than other people’s properties.