Page 40 of One More Chance
I try textingJensen twice but get no response. The mood felt weird when he left a little while ago. After I shook off the rest of the hangover and got a shower, I wanted to check in on him, but he hasn’t answered me. Is he mad at me?
I think back through the fogginess of last night and wonder if I pushed it too far. Maybe my pathetic attempts at seduction turned practically begging were more unwelcome than I anticipated. I mean, when I said we should cool it this morning, he certainly didn’t object. I’ll give him some space and try to talk to him about it later.
Meanwhile, Steve sent me eight messages last night. Eight unanswered messages sit in my inbox from him and it feels a little excessive but I ignore his enthusiasm and open them.
Steve:Hey you!
Steve:You okay?
Steve:I’m just sitting around thinking about that date we missed.
Steve:Did you like the pic I sent?
Steve:Can I have one back?
Steve:Did you get drunk and pass out? Lol
Steve:Text me later?
Steve:Well goodnight
Poor Steve. I just up and disappeared on him. He didn’t deserve that. I’ll text him back in a little while. I don’t have the energy to juggle Jensen’s mood and Steve’s excitement at the same time. If Jensen has a mood. That’s yet to be determined.
Perhaps putting them both out of my mind and focusing on the fact that Lyla’s bachelorette party is tomorrow night is what I should be doing. Cora and I are supposed to go shopping for stuff, so we agreed to meet downstairs in ten minutes. While part of me is looking forward to it, the other part is thinking about how I’ll be trapped with Jensen’s sister all day.
Making my way downstairs, I check my phone again but nothing. I shoot Steve a quick apology and shove it back into my pocket. I need the distraction of shopping at this point. I walk out onto the porch and Cora’s already there.
“Ready to go, fish?” she asks.
“Okay, so fish is like a thing?” I laugh.
“Jensen called me that this morning,” I say.
“Oh, yeah. It’s a thing where we’re from. Or maybe just our family. I don’t really know,” she says.
I nod in understanding, telling her I’m ready to go.
“Great, let’s go buy some penis shaped stuff!” she yells loudly.
I slap my forehead. Yeah. This should be super fun.
We travel into the city, knowing full well our small town will not have the necessary items for a bachelorette of the expected magnitude these women are looking for. We park and walk into a place called “Spank It”; lovely, I know. But let’s face it, all the really good bachelorette stuff is in the sex shops. We make our way to the aisle with all the penis shaped stuff as Cora requested and we’re not disappointed. Dick lollipops, straws, dick beaded necklaces, and anything else you could ever want in the shape of a shlong is here. There’s even a cake pan. Yes, a penis cake pan, complete with a ball sac.
“We have to get this!” she yells, picking up the cake pan. Okay, we are baking now. “And these!” She picks up the lollipops.
Before I know it, ten of every dick shaped thing is in our basket, plus sashes that say, “BRIDE TO BE” and “BRIDESMAID” and then one for me that says “MAID OF HONOR”; apparently, we have to label ourselves to go dancing and drinking. My stomach rolls at the very thought of drinking again, but I’m not going to be able to avoid it. It’s a necessary component of the party shenanigans. And besides, if I’m going to suck on a dick shaped lollipop in front of people, I’m going to need to have drinks in me.
We check out and head back to the car, satisfied with our haul.
“What are you gonna wear tomorrow?” she asks.
“I haven’t thought about it. Something normal I guess?”
“Normal? Honey, this is a sexy bachelorette party. We must sex you up. You know what, I’m in charge of your look now,” she says.