Page 9 of One More Chance
“I thought you said sex-ophone.”
“I’m not sure I know how to play that one.” He laughs.
Our drinks arrive and we both opt not to use straws, drinking instead from the side of the glass. When he notices I’m doing it too, he gives me a sideways look.
“I like eating the ice intermittently.” I shrug.
“I do it for the sea turtles,” he says proudly.
We both sip our tea again and set our glasses down.
I have to admit, this isn’t terrible. Being around people. Happy people. New people. It’s not as bad as I thought it would be.
The food arrives to our table and we all dig in, shoveling fries down, laughing and talking. Lyla steals Gentry’s pickle and he bites her neck. Cora is giggling and going on about this great date she’s going to have. I’m watching the whole thing play on and on and it’s nice.
I look at Jensen, who’s taking a bite of his double bacon cheeseburger; and by bite, I mean like a quarter of the thing that fits in his mouth at once. Ketchup and mayo are all over the corners of his lips and I laugh.
He closed-mouth grins at me and I resist the urge to nudge him. It came over me so naturally, like I’d be nudging a friend.
I have to stop myself from going there. But I could enjoy the company, the new friends. I could welcome in these distractions.
Right now, I need them.