Page 63 of Taking A Chance
My orgasm washes over me, the intensity almost more than I can handle. His own rips through him a few seconds later, overlapping with mine. I look up at him, watching the features of his face tighten and relax just before he collapses over me, his face cradled between my breasts, his breath tickling the sensitive skin of my nipple. I pant and shake, pant some more.
Finally, after a few delicious minutes of simply living in the feeling, he lifts up, sitting me up with him. We’re quiet as we dress, not in a tense way. It feels content and relaxed, calm even.
As we leave, he slings my bag back over his shoulder while I lock up. Walking home hand in hand, we stop to grab quick sandwiches to go, and though I offer to carry them since he already has my work bag, he insists.
“Your place again?” he asks, and I simply nod.
“Yes, but at the end of the day tomorrow, we get to leave the city,” I say excitedly. “I can’t wait.”
“I packed and went shopping for a few things, assuming we need to pack our own food?” he says.
I nod. “Yes, perfect. And if you haven’t already, bring stuff for French toast, pretty please.”
Declan chuckles. “It just so happens I know you and I definitely didn’t leave that off the menu.”
Ugh.Maybe the perfect man does exist. Maybe he’s been hiding under my nose all along. “Did you get any painting done today?” I ask, as we step into the lobby of our building.
Declan shakes his head almost in a circular motion, like he can’t decide if he wants to say yes or no. “Not as much as I would’ve liked.”
I squeeze his hand, knowing how hard he takes it when he doesn’t have quite as productive of a day as he would have liked.
“I’m sure you can get some in before we leave tomorrow,” I say. “Are you going to be okay while we’re gone?”
“I’m going to bring my sketchpad just in case,” he says. “That way I can at least plan things out if the mood strikes.”
Inside my apartment, we scarf our sandwiches down then get in the shower together. My shower is one of my favorite things about this place. It’s glass on all sides, tiled, and huge. We have plenty of space, which we take advantage of, fooling around and kissing, taking our time.
We brush our teeth next and crawl into bed, both of us unburdening the weight of the day. Sometime in the night, Declan stirs, and we make slow, sleepy love, falling back to sleep again still tangled up in each other.
Right before the darkness takes over, for a split second, I let the happiness warm me, and I think to myself,I love this man.
After Cora leavesthis morning for work, I head out to do the last bit of shopping needed for our trip. Some of the food requires a cooler, which I don’t have. I also want to pick up a few surprises for her, like her favorite wine.
I arrive at my apartment just past noon, and I’m barely through the door when Ryan calls.
“You’re home, right?” he asks from the other end of the receiver.
“Yeah, why?” I ask.
“Your surprise is on the way, remember?” he says.
No, I didn’t remember. I’d forgotten all about it actually. “What is it?”
“Inspiration, my friend. Inspiration,” he says, laughing as he hangs up.
God, I don’t like the sound of that.
I make quick work of the stuff I bought, shoving it into my fridge in no particular order, since I’ll be packing the cooler in a little while. I finish filling my duffel with the clothes and toiletries I’ll need, then there’s a knock at my door.
When I pull it open, I expect to find a delivery man of some sort, holding a package and something for me to sign. But that’s not the case. Not at all. Instead, Natasha greets me, a playful smile on her face. I think she’s trying to be seductive, but I wouldn’t know. I’m pretty sure you can only sense that in people you’re actually attracted to.
“Hey,” she says. “You ready?”
“Ready for what?” I ask, clearly left out of a major plan.