Page 9 of Taking A Chance
I watch her lean into Ryan, not in an attempt to accept his advances, but because she’s suddenly unbalanced. I think someone’s had too much to drink. I stand, knowing I can’t trust him to be a gentleman about things. Not that Ryan would ever make a move if she refused. But he probably wouldn’t care if she was too drunk to be aware of what was happening, and I can’t allow that to happen.
Despite how she feels about me, I can’t stand by and watch any woman be…persuaded,into something she’s unaware of. Looks like I’ll be the one making sure she gets home safe.What fun.She probably won’t even thank me in the morning. No matter. My mother would kill me otherwise. She didn’t raise a bystander son. She raised me to do what’s right, no matter what. Doesn’t matter if it’s not my fight, doesn’t matter if I did start it. I have tomakeit my fight if it’s the right thing to do.
I reach them in the dancing crowd, leaning into Ryan so he can hear me. “I’m going to get her home safe,” I say. “Let’s link up later this week.” At that, I lean toward Cora, linking my arm around her waist to keep her upright. “Let’s go, princess.”
“I’m not a princess,” she slurs.
I laugh. “Okay, princess.”
“Stop calling me that,” she says, louder now but just as slurred. Her feet zigzag back and forth while her head bobbles like one of those dolls stuck to someone’s dashboard.
This is going to be an adventure.
The sun assaults my face,causing me to wince and roll to the opposite side of my bed. That’s how I wake up. Light filtering through my window, burning my eyes out of their sockets. An audible groan escapes me, and I realize I have little recollection of what happened last night. Good thing I’m the boss and can be late to work.God, I also have that thing with Claire tonight.I stretch out my body and it hurts. Everything hurts. I don’t even remember undressing.How the fuck did I get home?
A noise comes from my kitchen. A cabinet opening and shutting.Oh my god, did someone break in?Panic fills my chest and I reach for the bat I keep beneath my bed. So what if I’m only wearing panties and a tank top? I’ll clobber someone half-naked. I don’t care.
I quietly slip out of my bedroom and tiptoe down the hall, careful not to step on the floorboards that squeak. I peer around the corner and see someone bent over in my kitchen, their back toward me. My heart pounds in my chest so hard I’m pretty sure I’m going to vomit it up.
I jump out from the corner and yell, “Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my apartment?!” I keep the bat raised high as I step toward the kitchen.
The figure straightens and turns toward me. “What the hell are you doing?” Declan asks.
What the hell is he doing here?
“Why are you in my apartment?” I ask him.
He turns back to the counter then to me again, holding a cup of coffee toward me. “I thought you might need this,” he says. “And these.” His other hand has two pills in it.
I lower my bat a little, stepping into arm’s reach of him. “What is it?”
“Aspirin,” he says.
I breathe out a sigh, relieved Declan isn’t an intruder I need to beat with my bat but also still confused.
Setting my weapon down, I take the coffee and aspirin from him. As I put the pills in my mouth, he hands me a glass of water.Good call.I don’t want to swallow pills with hot coffee.
After swallowing them, I say, “Thank you, but this doesn’t explain what the hell you’re doing in my apartment.”
“You don’t remember?” he asks, leaning back on my counter. A smug smile is plastered on his face.
Oh god. Did we sleep together? Oh god. Oh god.Panic sets in again.
“Um,” I hesitate, “no?” I wince again, the single word coming out pained on my lips. God, if he says we slept together, I’ll have to move out of this building. Possibly out of Boston completely.
“Well, princess,” he starts, and I think I might die right now, “you were pretty drunk at the bar, and I made sure you got home safely. You threw up almost as soon as you got here, and I was afraid you’d do it again in your sleep. So I stayed to make sure you didn’t choke to death on your own vomit.”
Declan doesn’t take his eyes off me as he sips his coffee, looking at me over the rim of the mug.Oh. Shit. Okay.On the one hand, relief. We didn’t sleep together. On the other hand, it sounds like I made a complete ass of myself and he most likely witnessed me throwing up. That’s only mildly less embarrassing, but I’ll take it.
“Oh,” I say.
Declan continues to grin at me, like he’s waiting for me to respond with more. When the silence stretches, he continues. “You’re welcome,” he says.
“Thank you,” I say, a little mad at myself for not saying it before.