Page 1 of Beyond the Blues
Susan, my heart shattering just a little more. But it won’t be as much as I’m about to feel walking into Coco’s room for the first time since she passed. I stand outside her bedroom door, white with blue seashell stickers on, slightly lifting now. Shakily placing my hand on the doorknob, and it feels a lot colder than I remember, but that is probably just the coldness I feel without Coco’s presence. I twist the doorknob and swing the door open, revealing her bedroom. I cover my mouth to suppress my cry as I see that the room remains, as if she just left it this morning. The duvet is messy, clothes scattered on the floor, and her art book is still open on her desk. I step inside and the scent of Coco’s smell hits my nostrils. One step at a time, Ophelia. Her room represented everything she was, bright,chaotic and homely. I look around slowly, my feet moving at a snail’s pace. Something feels like it’s missing, and I wish it was just a t-shirt or a picture, but it’s not. It’s Coco that’s missing. She should be here, sprawled out on her bed, laughing at some stupid video. Or scribbling in her art book and showing me the most beautiful artwork, which she’d always describe as ‘not her best’. I sit down at her desk and just take in my surroundings, crying a river.
After half an hour of just sitting here, staring at everything in her room, Susan and my mum come upstairs. Susan seems a lot calmer than when we arrived.
“Picked some bits of hers, love?” I shake my head.
“I don’t know what to pick, because… because it’s hers, it’s not mine to take.” My voice breaks again. Itbreaks so much at the moment, I sound like ‘Wheezy’ from Toy Story.
“Shall we help?” My mum asks. I nod.
We pack up a little cardboard box and fill it with a few bits, which means a lot to our friendship. A hoodie we got on our first theme park trip. The photos of us that were on her wall. One of her gold rings she always used to wear, with a quartz crystal in the middle. Lastly, her stuffed animal ‘Kitty’, because I know she’d feel so sad knowing he’s sitting here alone with no one to have at night. In all honesty, I wish I could just stay here, surrounded by the scent and feeling of Coco, so I’ll close my eyes at night and imagine she’s right next to me.
“Right, love, you can pop by whenever you want. You’re always welcome.” Susan says.
“Thank you.” I go to walk away, but like a rope, I’m pulled back straight into
Susan’s arms.
I decide to move to the window seat. To make sure I’m not stealing someone’s window seat, I take another look around. I shuffle my bum over awkwardly and drag my hand luggage underneath the seat, finally resting my head back.
“Sorry, excuse me.” An Irish accent says, I shoot my head round to a person standing by my row, smiling at me. Oh fuck.
“I’m sorry, I’ll move. I just assumed and tha-” The stranger interrupts me. The more I look at this woman, the more I recognise her freckled face and perfect eyebrows.
“No, it’s grand. Stay there. Would you just mind moving your pretty pink purse?” The woman says, a smirk falling onto her lips. I grab my handbag off the seat and apologise again. I glance over at her. She has a low fade haircut with curtains, dark blue eyes and a recognisable cluster of freckles on her cheek. That’s when I clock her and realise it’s Nora from university. Nora studied a different course to me, we still managed to bump into each other a few times because of our group of friends, not a lot,but occasionally. She was more feminine in university, but that cluster of freckles I would always recognise, and the fact she’s incredibly attractive. Of course, it’s just my luck to be sitting here wearing an old bobbly hoodie, no makeup, and my curls piled on top of my head in a bun.
“You know I’m actually glad you sat there, one less person to climb over awkwardly to get to the toilet.” She interrupts my thoughts, showing her pearly straight whites off.
“Yeah, just let the pro make a fool of herself,” I reply, pointing my fingers at myself.
“It’s alright, I’ll stand up and make your life easier.” She winks at me subtly, causing a flush to my cheeks.
“Not so sure about that guy, though.” I point my head at the guy next to
her, his glasses down his nose and mouth open, snoring. She laughs out loud, her nose scrunching.
“This may sound odd, but do I know you from somewhere?” she asks. “Funnily enough, yes, from university?”
“Of course you were friends with Coco and James!” Nora exclaims. ‘Was’ friends with Coco.
“Remind me of your name?” Nora questions.
“Ophelia, yours?” Even though I already know, I try to play it cool.” “Nora, look at us with both old people’s names.”
“Hey! My name is young and hip.” I argue, pulling out a peace sign, making me internally cringe. I shake my head and wait for Nora to fill the awkward silence so I don’t embarrass myself further.
“So Ophelia, what takes you to Greece?” Nora asks. I try to think of a quick answer which isn’t ‘well you know Coco, she died and I will break down further if I stay at home.’