Page 8 of Beyond the Blues
“Miss, are you okay?!” the rep panics.
“I’m sorry about my poor aim. Are you okay?” The bald man, with a heavy northern accent, says. I nod frantically.
“Yes, I’ll be fine, a plaster will do” I feel my cheeks flush from the attention I’m getting. I stand up and my head feels fuzzy, I stand still for a second, getting my balance and begin walking back to my sunbed.
“I am going to run and get the first aid kit!” The rep runs off towards reception, quickly, for just a minor cut on my leg. I place my fingers on my cheekbone and pull away, noticing the crimson red blood on myfingertips. Not just a cut on my leg then. I look up to see Nora, eyes filled with concern, jogging over to me.
“What the fuck happened here? Did someone do this to you?” She sits next to me on my sunbed, pulls off her fresh white t-shirt over her head and dabs my cheekbone.
“I just fell. It’s okay.” I mutter, feeling everyone around the pool eyes on me, whispering to each other. As if Nora hears my thoughts.
“Don’t worry about them. They’re just concerned and nosy.” Nora places her hand on my thigh, brushing her thumb softly against it. Returning to me shortly, the holiday rep with a first aid kit in hand, and a stern-looking woman in a business suit behind him. The holiday rep cleans the cut on my cheekbone, the alcohol stinging, making me wince. The grip of Nora’s hand
on my thigh gets firmer.
“Miss, I am very sorry this incident happened. As an apology from the Sunset Hotel, we would like to upgrade your room for the rest of your trip.” The woman in the suit says, and before I can answer.
“That will be grand. Her surname is O’Greene, Ophelia O’Greene.” Nora says. The woman nods and uses her walkie talkie to speak to someone in Greek. I look back at Nora and she winks at me, taking the edge of the situation off my mind for just a moment. After a moment or two, the rep finishes cleaning my wounds, profusely apologising to me as I reassure him it’s all okay. The woman hands me the keys to my new room. I look at the keyring attached, and it says:
‘Premium Sunset Hotel Room 101’
“See? Some bad things happen, so good things can come pouring into your life.” Nora smiles at me.
I think about the hassle of moving all my clothes out of my current room and into my new one. Of course, my room is already a mess. I’m an indecisive dresser.
“I’ll help you move over.” Nora interrupts my thoughts.
“No, honestly you don’t have to-”
“I insist”
We walk to my room, well I hobble a little, the bruise growing on my shin.
I put the key in the door and turn around to Nora before I open the door.
“I’m warning you, it’s messy, I’m messy.”
I then open the door, revealing everything I packed splayed out across the floor and tables.
“Sorry.” I bite my bottom lip, picking up my clothes and shoving them in my already open suitcase.
“Nice” Nora says. I turn around and she’s holding one of my red lace thongs. I go over and take it out of her hand, laughing nervously. At least it wasn’t one of my comfy granny pants I wear at night.
“It’s like someone raided you. How can one person make such a mess in one night?” Nora laughs out loud, picking up handfuls of my clothes. I playfully hit her arm.
“Shut up!” Nora grabs me by the waist, picking me up with just one arm and lays me down on the bed.
“You stay there, watching you pack your stuff so slowly is killing me.” I sit up on my elbows and watch her speed round the room, grabbing everything and carefully placing it in my suitcase. After ten minutes, she was done.
“Done.” Nora pushes her hair curtains back and wipes the sweat on her forehead with her t-shirt with my blood on it.