Page 43 of Perfectly Wrong
He opened his mouth to respond, but his phone rang. I raised my eyebrows in warning, daring him to answer. If I meant anything to Sam, he’d focus on me and try to help, or at least listen to me while I raged in his kitchen. But he turned his back and took the call. He didn’t care about my feelings or what I was about to lose. He didn’t love me like I loved him.
I ripped off the earrings he’d given me and set them on the kitchen island. I walked out, the door slamming behind me just as I heard Sam shout my name. The elevator was still on the same floor, so I stepped inside, leaving for good.
I walked further than I should have without a coat. Eventually, I found a park some distance from his building and sat on a bench, crying like a child. I’d never truly been happy; that was the truth. I escaped an abusive husband only to end up with a reckless idiot who ruined my life and career. And the worst part was he didn’t even understand what it meant to me. Sam was selfish, always focused on his own success, never caring about mine.
He’d never asked about my work or how I felt at Icon Records. He had nothing to lose—he was famous online, and any label would overlook an indiscretion to sign him. But me? When they reached out to Icon for a reference, they’d know what I’d done, and that would be the end.
My career in music marketing was over.
My phone rang constantly during the forty minutes I spent at the park. Sam was desperately trying to reach me, but there was nothing left to say. I couldn’t even think about him. I felt betrayed, humiliated, and tired of always being the one who suffered.
The feeling of losing control of my life, of having no say in my own decisions, crashed back like a tidal wave, just like when I was with Noah. People thought they could make choices for me, leaving me voiceless. It was so absurd and infuriating, I laughed bitterly.
When my phone buzzed again, Jeremy’s name lit up the screen. “I need you to come to the office, Lena,” he said, his voice calmer than before. “We need to have an official conversation.”
I got up from the bench and hailed a taxi. On the way, I wiped my face and tried to pull myself together. I didn’t even realize how cold I’d been until I felt the warmth of the cab.
I headed straight to Jeremy’s office, but he led me to a meeting room through a side door.
“John is on his way,” he informed me, and I stared at him, stunned. “Yes, I called him. I never thought I’d say this, but I need that traitorous bastard right now. He should be here in three hours if he catches the next flight.” I nodded. “You look wrecked.”
“Thanks, I guess.” I exhaled deeply.
Jeremy sat in front of me, and for the first time, I saw something beyond his usual pride—compassion and even a hint of regret.
“I’m sorry if I was harsh before, but I was furious, Elena. You’ve always been my best leader, and I didn’t expect you to make such a serious mistake. I understand you have a private life, and if you and Martin are involved, that’s your business.” His tone was firm and serious. “But you should’ve stepped away from the project as soon as it started. Now I’m losing you, and I don’t know what to do.”
“Am I really getting fired?” I shut my eyes, bracing for the answer.
“I’ll fight it, but I need your help, Elena. There’s not enough space for both of you here anymore. If you stay, he goes. If he stays, you go. And I need the truth. If you declare you’re innocent, I’ll believe you and kick his ass out of here.” His phone dinged with a message. “Martin’s here,” he said, and I jumped out of my seat.
“You called him?”
“Yes, but it’s okay if you don’t want to see him.” Jeremy headed for the door. “I’ll talk to him in my office. Stay here, and we’ll talk to you after, all right?”
I nodded and sat back down, my leg bouncing with anxiety. My boss didn’t close the door completely, and I could hear everything happening in his office. Sam and Alex entered, and I heard them sit in front of Jeremy’s desk. Sam cleared his throat, anxious to get things moving.
“Martin, you know what’s happening, and I hope you understand the gravity of your actions.”
Sam stayed silent, shifting uncomfortably in his chair.
“My question is simple. Once I have your answer and Elena’s, the board will decide your fate.”
“Jeremy, it’s not that serious,” Alex interjected. “They’re young; it happens.”
“Other clients were involved, Alex. It is serious.”
“So, what’s the question?” Sam sounded tense.
“Who’s responsible for all of this? Who initiated it?”
Jeremy’s stern voice made me shrink in my seat. I closed my eyes, whispering a plea.
Please, just tell the truth, Sam. Just tell the fucking truth.
And then he spoke words I’ll never forget.
“It wasn’t me.”