Page 100 of Tormented Kings
Declan chuckles, grabbing my hand and pulling me away. I go with a laugh, my heart full and brimming with happiness.
We stop outside Declan’s class and he gives me a heated kiss goodbye. “I’ll talk to you later.”
Nodding my head, I bite my lip as I watch him walk into his room.
I miss him the moment he’s gone. Sighing, I leave for my own class.
Of course, I can’t enjoy my happiness high. It doesn’t work like that for me. For every good thing that happens in my life, something bad follows. I should have recognized the pattern by now.
I almost crash into her as I round the corner. “Shit, sorry,” I start, my heart sinking when I see who it is.
My jaw tightens as I move to the side to leave, but she side-steps in front of me. “Don’t start with me today, Tina,” I sigh heavily, an uneasy feeling creeping up my spine. I don’t want to be alone with her for any amount of time.
My eyes drop to her nose, and a flush of pride fills me. It’s got a cast on it. Fuck, I really did break her nose.
And she doesn’t seem too happy about it.
She stalks forward, and I back up with her invasion of my personal space until I’m pressed against the wall. I’m beyond shocked when she wraps her manicured nails around my neck. “I should fucking kill you for what you did to me,” she snarlsin my face. Panic floods me, and my fight-or-flight instincts go out the window. She’s never been physical with me before, only attacking me with her nasty words. She’s gotten in my face a few times and cornered me like a scared animal but never laid hands on me.
“Get your hands off me,” I choke out, trying not to whimper in fear. Fuck.
She only tightens her grip as she uses her other arm against my chest to pin me down. “You broke my fucking nose. So I’m going to break something of yours. I just haven’t decided on what yet.” She laughs. “Nice little show you put on in the cafe. You and Declan are a couple now, how sweet. How does it feel to be a homewrecker? They’ve been planning to be married since birth. And you come in here thinking you can fuck with how things work in our world. You know nothing. You are nothing. You better be careful because you're going to fuck with the wrong person one day, and it’s going to bite you in the ass,” she spits.
“And by the looks of it, that wrong person is me. I see what you’re doing, slowly taking our men. Stay away from Preston, Sadie, or so help me god, I will fucking kill you. You’re nothing. You’re trash. You’re just a hole for them to fill, a game for them to play. Once they have their fun with you, they’re going to toss you to the side and go back to the lives set out for them. Because that’s how this world works; it’s the way things are. And some lowly piece of trash like you isn’t going to change it.”
She pushes off me, and I gasp, choking and coughing as she takes a step back.
“Know your place, Evans, or I’ll put you in it.”
She turns around and walks away, her heels clicking against the marble floor.
Tears sting my eyes, and I don’t feel safe until I know she’s long gone.
Running to the nearest bathroom, I lock myself in a stall and cry. I feel weak and small. I hate that I allowed her to make me feel that way.
But I was in shock. She’s right about one thing. I don’t know this world like she does; I should be more mindful of the things I do.
What does it matter though, when the men I’m with are a part of this world? If they’re making these big changes, it’s not because of me. I never asked them to end their engagements. I never asked them to change their whole lives to be with me.
They chose that all on their own. I don’t feel guilty about it because it’s not just because of me. They didn’t want that life. They don’t want to be married to people they don’t love.
I know Tina is toxic and a miserable, evil person. That her words are just meant to hurt and spread poison. Yet, they still sink into my skin like an arrow to the heart.
When I finally calm down, I pee and clean myself up the best I can.
At the sink, I wash my hands and am stunned by the horror that is my reflection. My eyes are red rimmed, makeup a mess but it’s nothing some wet paper towels won’t fix.
It’s the handprint around my neck that really has me concerned.
My hand reaches up, fingers brushing against the mark.
I thought I was safe in school. Maybe from the guy’s father. But not from her.
If I tell the guys, Collin is going to lose his shit. He’s going to do something to her that is going to fuck up everything he’s been working hard for. If she goes to their dad and complains, that February deadline might be moved up. Or maybe he might act on one of his threats towards me.
Secrets and lies. That's what my life’s become. Tina says I don’t belong in her world. But from where I see it, I might just fit right in.
I texted Grayson, knowing he didn’t have a class at this time, asking him if he could give me a ride home.