Page 67 of Tormented Kings
“I’ve been here before,” he chuckles. “Just not this.”
“How come?”
He shrugged. “Didn’t really have anyone to go with. We’ve made trips here for school, but that’s about it.”
Preston looks at Declan with a frown. “Really?”
Declan blushes. “It’s no big deal.”
“Yes, it is,” he sighs. “We were fucking tools.”
“Who’s this ‘we’you’re talking about?” Grayson asks.
“Me and you.”
“How the fuck am I a tool?” He frowns.
“I was too busy being pissed at you two when I should have been friends with you,” Preston confesses, surprising us all.
“Okay, that’s you being a tool. How am I one?”
“You didn’t try, did you?” Preston raises a brow.
“Ok, point taken.” He nods.
“It’s okay, really. Things were different back then. What matters is, we’re friends now.”
“We’re stealing your tradition,” Preston tells me, looking between my friends and I. “Or... more like crashing it.”
“Is this your way of telling us you want to come with us every year?” Emma asks.
“Maybe,” Preston mutters.
“Oh, he loves us. He really loves us!” Emma gasps dramatically.
He shoots me a look. “Your friends are weird.”
“And your point is?” I grin. “I’m weird, too. It’s only a matter of time before my weirdness is revealed to you all.”
“Tonight will show that,” Alice says. “She’s crazy. She’s never screamed or gotten scared during any of the houses.”
“What? Never?” Preston asks, giving me a look that says he doesn’t believe me.
“Nope. I mean, sometimes I’ll jolt a little, but never truly scared. These three scream bloody murder every time, so I hope you're ready to have your eardrums busted.” I laugh.
“I came prepared,” Brent brags, holding up little earbuds. “Ear plugs work wonders.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Emma slaps his arm. “I’m not that bad.”
“But you are, babe.” I pat her arm.
“Shut up,” she laughs. “Come on, let’s go shop.”
“Shouldn’t we get in line?” Declan asks, looking at the already long line.
“No need,” Alice says. “We have express passes. We have a whole game plan. Just do as we say, and no one will get hurt.”
Grinning, I shake my head as Declan gives her a concerned look. But we take this very seriously. If we want to make the mostof the night and get to all the houses—plus our favorite rides—we plan it out first.”